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Thanks for waiting<3

Author's POV

Jimin walked through the entrance of the temple as he felt goosebumps appearing because of the cold marble floor and also, nervousness. Taemin and Jackson were walking infront of him holding a red silk clothe that refrained him from seeing what was infront of him.

Behind him, were two more trusted guards and few meters away omegas and Alphas performing that transitional folk dance followed by music and some more subsidiary maids.

He can see the Jeon king's friends and their omegas but he felt a little angry cause their gaze was downwards. He felt the need to cut off everyone's head but oh! Stay calm.

Soon enough he was infront of Jungkook, the silk clothe preventing to watch each others as by their left stood the priest and the wolf goddess.

Outside the temple, was the wolves who were singing another song. Then the priest cleared his throat and spoke some alien language, Jimin didn't understand at all but he surely heard his and Jungkook's name together.

Few drops of water were sprinkled on them and then again some more in alien language. Minutes later, they were asked to the rituals for marriage while the official mating will take place in private ofcourse.

"To complete the marriage, King Jeon and Prince Jimin have to mate. It should be done right after but due to the coronation there will be a delay. Fortunately, it cause no problem." The priest says.

Jimin's and Jungkook's wrist were tied up together with a red string. They walked together infront of the temple and the people roared in joy. Blessing gift were already in the carriage as they are ready to go back to the castle.

Taemin was not in the marriage because the Alpha has to prepare himself for the ceremony of coronation.

The Alpha was having cold sweat while Jackson was just staring at him like a creep. Then he spoke "What? Is there something on my face?"

Jackson chuckled and said "No! Just thinking was I should call you after you have that crown?"

Taemin stared for a moment and then he said "Call me by my name when we are alone or with our friends else..your highness is fine"

"Very romantic" Minho said who was leaning on the door. Taemin rolled his eyes as he looks at himself in the mirror. "Status doesn't matter guys, but our relationship with each other does" Minho said sitting near Jackson, as the Alpha nodded in agreement

Taemin's scent was a little sour when Jackson asked "What's the matter? You not happy?" The Alpha shook his head and said " I never wanted to be the king...but our late king saved me, gave me shelter and a reason to live. I...I just want to disappoint anyone..."

"See! If you don't want to be the king now, how will you be a good king in future?" The maid suddenly spoke who was arranging taemin's dress.

"Thinking too deep about future will ruin the present. If you are going to think more about it, the chances of being a good king will die down slowly. You never know what future holds for you. You may be very confident right now but the next moment can take everything away from you. You should think about future, everyone thinks...but not in a way that affects your present." Minho said. Jackson looked at the beta with open mouth as Taemin was stunned by the words that came out of his mouth

"Did I just hear it right? Minho? Talking so wise and meaningful?" Jackson exclaimed. "I can't believe this. Am I seeing this real?" Taemin followed. Minho stomped his foot on the ground and whined "Guysss!!"

Laughter followed the room as the maid shook her head with a small smile playing on her lips.

A guard opened the door slowly as bowed to the wolves. He took a deep breath and said "The newly weds have arrived. Soon, the priest will come to take you to the court." Taemin gave a nod as with another small bow, the guard left.
Their wrist are still tired up together, much to Jungkook's annoyance but odd way, his Alpha was howling in happiness. Jimin was taking with the priest as the crow of king was placed on a big cushion. It wasn't the one like western crowns, just a cup like structure with a little more elegant designs and jewels dangling on the sides. The cup will be placed, covering the bun of the Alpha, claiming as the king.

Jungkook's mother was sitting in another court room as she spoke to her mate "This kingdom was supposed to be handed over to our son. Not a slave! Things are not going as it was planned before." Jungkook's father keeps and stone face as his nerves pops up whenever he remembers Jimin's face and his dominate aura, even after being an omega

"We could have found a different omega for Jungkook. But turning back will have a mark in our pride. And its all your fault, only if your greed was less" he says to Jungkook's mother. She gasps but says nothing because it was true. She was greedy and should have for it, having a feisty omega as another queen and son-in-law.

Drums roll loudly as everyone takes their seat. The tension in the room was high as the main door opened and the soon to be king walked in. The Alpha can see the smiling faces in the wolves face and he suddenly felt a little relieved. Infront of him was Jimin who was holding the crown in his hand, his own one was replaced with the crown the belonged to the Jeons.

Taking a deep breath he stood in front of Jimin with a smile. The omega was smiling wide as he gestures the Alpha to sit on the throne and so he does. A cold chill run down his spine as the moment he sits on it. And soon, he felt the heaviness in his head and realised it was the crown. A kings crown...a crown of responsibility to his people.

He will forever be grateful for what the Park family did for him. He owned Jimin his every breath, blood and tears. He felt like crying for how much trust Jimin had for him. He might be the king but he will always be below Jimin and the royal family. A sence of responsibility was rising inside him and he vowed to serve his people and Jimin, until his last breath.

"Bow for the king!!" The priest said loud and clear and the heaviness of the crown felt lighter


sorry for keeping you all waiting! I had my exams so couldn't write much<3 thanks for waiting and loving the book

Thank you so much for giving 1k+ votes in less than 10 chaps. Thank you so much💜

I promise to do better with the plot and chapters

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