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Author's POV

The omega stirred when he left someone calling his name. Lazily he opened his eyes to look up only to see that king Jeon was looking at him with bored eyes

"Wake up omega! Time to eat" he says. Jimin groans when he left an ache in his head. "Don't move too much, you'll pass out again"

"How long was i asleep?" Jimin asked, voice a little rough. Without any answer to his question Jungkook motions the omega to eat. The omega blows the hot food and slowly takes a sip of the soup. "Its delicious" he comments. But Jungkook only nodded in response

By the time when he finished eating, Jungkook's mother showed up in his carriage. "Greetings, ma'am" Jimin says. "Call me mother, your highness." She says. She sat beside the omega must to her displeasure.

"Before we reach our Jeon estate. I'd like to share something. May I?"

"Please proceed" Jimin says and then she starts "His highness is married to Hye-kyo for 5 years. He have 6 concubine and 7 mistresses. My son is very strong when it comes to battles....once in a fight with the royals of Namsan, he had some serious injuries...his chance for living was low and yet he survived...defeating death-"

"I'm sorry if it offending but what am I supposed to do with that information, ma'- mother?" Jimin asked polity, mockery being masked with a smile. Jungkook's mother gave him a awkward smile and said "The marriage happened unexpectedly, none of you have feelings for each other. Its necessary to know about your mate's bravery and sacrifices..."

"What about we omegas?" Jimin asked. We are...just a prize...Jungkook's mother thought but said "We are weak, your highnesses. We have no title...and no story to show off.."

Something heavy in his chest settled thinking about what she said. "Start preparing, mother!" He says with a smile. Jungkook's mother looks at him and asked "For what, your highness?"

"To talk tales about omegas bravery and sacrifices" He said and went out of the carriage leaving behind a shock mother.
Hye-kyo sits on the stone near to the fire place as Jungkook sits far away from her. She realised that he was supposed to be with Jimin because of the thread that tried them together but now, its cut off from his wrist.

Her children goofed around her Alpha and also so of the guards. Her pups are really cheerful and innocent. Too innocent to be corrupted with the dynamics of wolf rank. Sometimes it really bothers her. What if one of her pup is an omega? Will he ignored? Used by the royals like a prize? She can't let it happen. Jungkook is too blinded with the stereotype to even realises what he will do if one of his pups presents as an omega. And beta? That's a different case. He will be sent to the medic school to be a healer...and maybe something else too. Who knows?

In the middle of her thought she saw Jimin sitting near her Alpha. Her omega hisses at the omega for sitting too close with him, for even breathing near the man but she had no right to voice out her dissatisfaction, sadness, happiness. But just a mere omega, bearing pups and satisfying the Alpha and queen, just by name. She holds no power.

"Queen Hye-kyo, may we have a talk?" She hear lisa, Taehyung and Jin standing infront of her. She smiles politely and motions them to sit

"How are you?" Lisa asks. "What do you expect, omega Min?" She asks back. The air didn't changed at all. It was normal for all of the omega's here but it was Jungkook's second marriage and Hye-kyo never thought it would pain her omega to the core.

"The pain will die down within a few days, your highness. May not be sad, please" Taehyung says with a polite smile.

"Jira!!" Everyone gets startled when Hoseok scream her name. The poor omega was on her scent, scent sour. A sob leaving her mouth. From the corner of Taehyung's eye, he watches Jimin.

"I-Im s-sorry" she says lowly as then they notice the wet patch on the Alpha's hanbok and some vegetables sticking to it. Oh! She dropped the soup on his hanbok. 

"How dare you?!" He slaps the poor omega so hard that she fell on the ground hard. Hoseok was about to slap again when everyone gasped and Hoseok felt a cold metal, sharp on his palm that drew blood.

Taehyung notices the rage on Jimin's eyes. His sword shields the omega from the Alpha and his scent, spice. "Omega!!" Jungkook calls in rage and try to take a hold on the Alpha when again Jimin points that sword directly in front of Jungkook's eyes. One more step and boom! Blind forever.

"One more sword and I'll pierce this sword inside and out of your congested brain" Jimin says and the other guards points towards him. Jungkook raises his hand, silent orders to keep their swords down and they follows with a little hesitation

"Ae-cha comes in between and pulls Jira up and takes away from them. Hoseok hisses as more blood draws from the deep wound that will probably leave a nasty scar.

"You'll regret this" Hoseok mutters, hate laced in his voice. Jimin looks at him with the same rage and says "This time, your palm is sliced. The next time you lay a hand on her or any other omega, I'll slice you arms off."

A shiver run down the Alpha's spine and looks somewhere else. Embarrassment filling his guts as his cheeks burns red. "But you have attacked a royal, Omega Jeon Jimin. Punishment will be given" Jungkook says. Jimin chuckles and says "Punishment is feared by cowards and I'm not one of them...give me whatever punishment you want to. I'll take it"

The king clear his throat and says "You have to guard this place, alone and if you failed harsher punishment will be served!"


Exam just got over yesterday! Phew. Thanks for being patient and for the time being you can have a tour with "Wedding bells." A part of my works<3

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