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Author's POV

It was midnight as predicted by Jimin. He was alone outside the camp while the other soldier patrolled nearby and some slept.

Jimin had his sword with him as he sat on the stone where he sat earlier. The fire was extinguished, leaving behind the smoke.

The sounds of crickets and owl were heard along with someone occasional bats bats flying from one tree to the other.

From a distance he saw the soldiers coming back with heavy shoulders and tired posture. They were obviously tired and needed sleep. Jimin rose from his seat and said to the soldiers "You all can sleep. I'll guard this place."

"But your highness-"

"I'm your majesty, soldier. Obey what I say." Jimin orders and the other bowed without any further arguments. When the Alpha's were finally inside their respective tents Jimin sat on the grassy floor and sighed, looking up at the sky.

"Who knew...I'd be here now...in the forest..married to a stereotypical Alpha....without eomma and Appa.. I miss you both..." Jimin says looking at the twinkling stars, eyes getting teary. "...oh luna! Give me strength for what will happen in the future.." jimin mutters and lays down on the stone.

"Hey! Wolfie!"

"Ay! Open your eyes!!"

Jimin hears so faint voices around him. He immediately opened his eyes only to see the small forest fairies looking at him with curious eyes.

Jimin flinched back and screamed in his mind 'FOREST FAIRIES EXIST?!?'

They giggled and circled around him. The glow from their wings falling softly on his delicate face. One of them came closer to him and booped his nose, star dust falling on his nose as it glittered

"Oops!" The fairy giggled more looking at the sparkly nose. "You are so beautiful.." a fairy with pink wings spoke.

"T-Thank y-you?"

"Oh! Lily, you are scaring the wolfie" another one with green wings scolded. "Sowwy!" Lily apologised

"I-Its fine.." Jimin stammered. The one with green wings was about to day something when they suddenly disappeared and Jimin heard "Your highness, do you need anything?"

He turned back and saw one of the soldiers in front of. "O-Oh! It's fine. I don't need anything.."

The soldier bowed again and left him in silence. Few minutes went by, and Jimin waited for the fairies to show up again but they didn't.

'It might be an hallucination' he thought and sat on the stone again with an annoyed sigh. The night became colder and colder as Jimin started to feel uncomfortable but not cold. Uncomfortable, understand it.

He walked around the area a times but his ankle hurts due to tiredness and he was a little sleepy that made his eyes burn. To distract himself to started looking further away from the tent area and took a step in the deep of the forest.

It wasn't a scary forest, according to him. The trees were huge, and there was the sound of crickets all around with the cry of an owl. Soft cold wind rustled across the surface and finally, Jimin felt a little relived with the freshness. Oh! There were barriers to.

Cautiously he plucked some barriers and had them before nodding his head in satisfaction. It gave him a sweet yet mild sour feeling in his mouth. His royal robe slid on the ground, making it a little dusty but Jimin didn't mind it all as he moved more into the forest ignoring the dangerous creatures that lurks in the dark.

But our Jimin fears nothing. According to him, the actual monsters are the people who breathes with a congested mind.

"Marriage better Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook is the weirdest. He cut off our thread and now! I have to guard! The qu- king of Jeon kingdom, husband of kind Jeon Jungkook is guarding" Jimin mutters in annoyance. The more he went into the forest the more boring it became. There were no more flowers or the crying of owl but just dark trees and a quiet cold night. He returned back.

Morning came, a new day, new beginning. Nobody spoke about yesterday nor was anyone able to question Jimin.

Something is Jungkook tingled. He was confused with what it was. Pride? He wasn't sure. But no time to think that, they need to return Jeon Estate as soon and safe they can.

They had their respective breakfast and soon, into their carriage. The horses cried out and moved forward towards their destination. Jimin and Jungkook were still in the same carriage. There was an awkward silence between them.

Jimin hated it but Jungkook was in a turmoil. Their orange blossom and Petrichor scent cacooned the carriage in a comforting yet...a little anxious way.

Jimin saw many beautiful places on it's way. Beautiful mountains covered with sheets of show, birds chasing each other. An abandoned house that was now hugged with climbers and a home for snakes and many other species. Oh! He spotted an elephant too.

"These may look beautiful in the light but when its dark, these same things scare the weaks" Jungkook says out of blue. Jimin looked at him briefly and says "Maybe yes maybe no. Depends how to view the nature." In return he got a soft 'hum'

"What are we going to do about this string thing..?" Jimin asks after some time. Jungkook looks at his hand and then his own and answers "The thread is still with me. I've untied it for that time. We can tie it later.." and Jimin nods in agreement.
The carriage stopped by a waterfall. It was afternoon time and the sun was blazing. Jimin fanned himself with his hanbok in hotness as he went down from his and Jungkook carriage.

Immediately he made his way towards the waterfall to face his face, neck and hands etc. The others joined him too hasitate, a little, as they knew that there is no point fighting with the heir of Park kingdom.

Once Jimin was done washing he saw the soldiers far away from the stream. Their eyes showed thirst for water and to feel some freshness but unfortunately, they weren't allowed to join them. Why? Cause they aren't the nobles or had a positive rank. They are just slaves.....

Jimin walked towards them as the soldiers straightened up their posture and bowed to him. "Have some water from the stream and cool off a little. There is a long way ahead."

"They can't, omega. The soldiers are slaves and nothing else" Yoongi says from behind. Jimin doesn't even moved to look at him and says "These slaves are the main reason why a kingdom is protected. If not serve them, then whom? Useless nobles?...."

"Its a command for each and every one of you to do what I said earlier. Move!" Jimin commands and they vanished. Yoongi makes a threatening growl and surprisingly, according to the Alpha, the omega growled back.


Sorry for the delay uwu


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