(7) Happy spider

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I've finally finished the stupid small spider. It didn't take a whole night to fix the small holes on him and repaint the parts that were scratched so I actually got sleep, kinda. 

It took a long time to fall asleep because my mind was racing. The anxiety because of waiting for the email and what the response would be. Along with just thoughts about the Dj, I have to admit he is hot for a spider. 

Whatever, anywayssss, I got up around 10, which is fine, at least I got some sleep. I get out of bed and exit the room just to be met with an equally as tired Jamie. 

"You know you don't have to be up this early right?* i ask as I grab left overs from the fridge to eat for breakfast. 

" I have a job interview," they say letting out an exhausted yawn. 

"Where?" I ask, excited. Jamie hasn't really had a job for quite some time, it would be nice to have help playing for stuff every now and then and them getting a job would help with that. 

"I'm not telling you, you keep me up so you don't get to know until I know if I got the job or not, and if I didn't I'm blaming you," they practically growl at me. 

"Alrighty then, I hope you get the job," I say with a chuckle. 

We talk for a bit while we eat before I leave to get ready. I take a super quick shower before I have to head out the door. "Bye Jamie, good luck," I say as I exit the apartment, struggling to keep everything in my hands from falling.

I get to work, a few minutes before my shift which is fine, I'm not in a hurry to do anything today since all I have to get down is making sure mini music man is working and help with any issues that Djmm might have or a stupid staff bot. Hopefully no staff bot duty for me today. I'd rather just sit around with the Dj if possible.

I get to the dancefloor seeing that it is finally open again, which Djmm must be happy about. I see that there are a few kids on the dancefloor, the DJ's kid friendly music playing. He seems happy to have to kids back, I can't help but smile. 

I sit on the steps near the tables directly next to the stage. I would sit at one of the tables but I don't want to accidentally take an already taken seat from a child no less. I set the smaller spider down and turn him on. 

He seems to be acting normal, no more problems since I've fixed him. Since he is usually in this area anyways I pick him up and put him next to Djmm. 

"Dj! Your buddy is back," I yell getting his attention from the loud music. 

He stops his movement to look down towards me, "pumpkin! Thank you," he says sounding happy. 

Mini music man also seems happy to see the Dj.  I smile as the two interact, I eventually go back to my seat since I haven't been called to do anything else. 

The day continues and sadly I get called to help with a map bot that is having a programming error. "Bye Dj, I'll come back when I can," I say before I start to leave. 

"Bye (y/n)," he responds sounding a bit disappointed. I can't help but feel flattered about him not wanting me to leave. 

The day ends, lasting much longer since I wasn't able to hang out with the Dj. I wasn't able to see the Dj again after having left the first time. 

Once I get back to my apartment I fall on to my bed letting out a sigh. I pull out my phone to see if I have any notifications I missed while at work. 

I scroll through the notifications, closing the unimportant ones before I see that I got an email. I feel my heartbeat quicken as I open the email. I let out a shaky sigh as I see it is in fact from my boss. Ya know boss lady. I read through the email. Rereading it to make sure I read it right. 


My request got approved! I get to do it! She basically said that I need to send her the list of things on need to make the animatronic and that she would place the orders. She also said my schedule would change to night shifts until I finish the animatronic. Which I guess makes sense, if I'm working and all the guests are there they might hear the noise. 

Oh! Speaking of which I forgot to ask Jamie how their job interview went. Eh I'll text them so I don't wake them up if they are asleep. 

I decide to double check the design and everything while waiting for an answer from Jamie. I grab my sketch book and look over everything, typing out the parts I need to make him. I could add some things, I don't know I probably shouldn't. I want to ahh. Nope not gonna, I'll just ask for extra material just in case. 

(I'm leaving it up to you guys if hot dog or not if hot dog, hot scene, if no that's okay but you have to choose im not gonna say anything about it for a few chapters but it will be known soon enough >:)    )

(Oh also three chapter was cause I'm going out for town! I won't be updating next week sorry!)

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