(29) Over

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With a groan I open my eyes, looking at my surroundings. I first notice Dj in front of me while Sun is peeking his head over DJs shoulder to look at me.  Sun hasn't been fixed yet. What is he doing here? It takes me a second to remember what happened. Oh god. Did that actually happen or was it a nightmare?

Dj turns his attention towards me, his frown turning to a smile as he sees me awake. "Pumpkin! You're okay," he puts a hand on my cheek causing me to flinch. "I didn't want to hurt you," I avoid eye contact, looking away from him. So it wasn't a dream.

"Where are we? Why are we with Sun? He hasn't been fixed yet," I ask, keeping my voice to a quiet whisper to avoid the other animatronic from hearing.

DJ doesn't say anything for a second, seemingly debating on what to say. When he breaks the silence it's not to answer my questions, "I'm so sorry for hurting you," he says softly, moving to pull me closer to him. I let him do so, unsure of what could happen if I reject his affection in his, from what I know, unstable state.

He pulls me so I'm against his chest, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around me. This feels weird. I know it's not his fault he did that but it doesn't feel the same. I don't know if it ever will. From the change of positions I am able to see our surroundings more clearly now. We're in the daycare. Right, I almost forgot about Sun. "Why are we in the daycare?" I question DJ, deciding I can ask the questions one at a time and hopefully have a better chance of getting them answered.

"When you passed out," DJ starts, sounding regretful, "Monty had trouble getting me off of you, he ended up getting help from the others. They were able to hold me down on the chair and run your program virus thing on me so I don't remember much of what happened while I had the virus, " he explains, running a hand through my hair. He obviously feels bad about what happened, his tone giving away his emotions. "They wanted to make sure you were okay and the only animatronic with medical programming is Sun so they fixed him and we brought you here."

I only give a hum as a response, looking towards the sun themed animatronic awkwardly looking away from us and tapping his hands on his knees. "Thank you Sun," I say drawing his attention towards me. He gives a smile, nodding in appreciation for being acknowledged. DJ answered all of my questions in one go so there isn't much need to ask them again. I rerun his words through my head, before realizing something, "where are Gregory and the others?"

DJ pauses for a second before responding, "they went back to their rooms, Gregory is with Freddy."

"I need to make sure he's okay, you can come with me if you want but you don't have to," I tell him, leaving his loose grip and getting up. I feel a twinge of pain around my neck as I turn my head to look over at the two animatronics. I grimace but don't say anything about it.

Sun looks towards DJ for a second before getting up from his spot on the floor, "Moon says he's sorry for causing you trouble," Sun says quietly, unlike how I'm used to seeing him.

"Tell him it's not his fault," I smile slightly at the tall animatronic, feeling the ground vibrant slightly as DJ gets up from the floor. "Are you both coming than?" I ask looking between DJ and Sun.

"We are!" Sun says with his usual smile back on his face. DJ just nods, refusing to look me in the eye. Unsure of how to make him feel better I grab one of his hands, leading him out of the daycare Sun following the two of us. Sun speeds up slightly and like a child grabs my free hand, swinging it back and forth.

I lead the both of them to Freddy's room, having them open the doors and push buttons on our way there since both of my hands are occupied. When we get to his room I let go of both of the animatronics and enter the room without knocking. As the door opens I see Freddy on the couch with a sleeping Gregory. It is pretty late so it's understandable that he's asleep.

Freddy turns his attention to us as we enter, putting a finger to his mouth telling us to be quiet. I smile slightly seeing that Gregory is safe and sound. The four of us discuss what we should do next. Obviously Evan isn't a good father if he didn't even care that he left his son here, so we decided the best course of action is to call the police. (Acab tho)

Vanessa thankfully wasn't the security guard on duty tonight so we left Gregory with Freddy and went separate ways to find the security guard. DJ ended up finding him in one of the security offices sleeping, that must've been why we never saw him. DJ only told him that we found a kid, which was enough for them to send an officer.

The police arrived around the time of opening, well for staff anyways. They interviewed me, Freddy, DJ and Gregory. We left out a lot of details, just telling them that there is an unsafe, still active animatronic in the lowest level of the pizza plex. I'm sure Gregory told them a lot more than that but not a lot of people would believe what happened here.

When talking to some of the officers they informed me that this wasn't the first time Evan had left Gregory alone somewhere. They had picked Gregory up multiple times from various other places that he had stayed at for days. This was the final straw against Evan so Gregory has to be rehomed.

As I finally am able to relax after a horrible night I think of what might happen to Gregory. I've heard the foster care system is awful to go through, I can't let him go through that. With a sigh I push myself up from my seat and walk back over to one of the officers.

"Excuse me," I start, grabbing his attention from the notepad he was looking at, "is there anyway that I'd be able to adopt Gregory?" I felt stupid asking. I never really wanted to have a kid but here I am trying to adopt one.

The officer informed me it is possible but it would take a few days to get the paperwork set up and until than he had to stay in a temporary foster home.

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