(10) Jamie

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(Sorry this chapter is shorter I've been busy please forgive me!)

I get home just in time for Jamie to wake up. Jamie, got I haven't been paying attention to them, I haven't even had time to ask about their job interview. As exhausted as I am I should probably stay up to talk to them about it.

"Hey Jamie," I greet them as I take a seat at the table. They don't respond. "Jamie?"

They ignore me as I make more attempts to talk to them, they only finally acknowledge me when they sit across from me at the table.

"I thought you didn't want to talk anymore," they say poking at the food they had just made and avoiding eye contact.

"I'm so sorry, I just have been so busy, with the shift change and having a new thing to deal with at work, I should have taken time to at least talk to you," I apologize.

"It's fine," they say with a sigh before finally looking at me, "you always talk to me I'm just not used to you not being here when I am, it feels like you were avoiding me."

"I would never! You are my best friend, and I love you no matter how many times I can hear you and your partners through the wall," I say joking.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so loud if you weren't so loud with your stupid robot things," they joke, finally cracking a smile.

"You like my stupid robot things and you know it, but that's besides the point. You never answered my text about the job interview, did you get the job?"

"Maybe, and it might be for the same place you work," they answer.

"Really? That's amazing! So is it the face painting or did you apply for a different position?"

"The face painting, only because they told me I can do any designs I want as long as they are inspired by the animatronics," they smile.

"I'm happy for you! And I'm super excited to work with you, even if I have the night shift right now," I say offering them a smile in return, given it is a very very tired smile.

"You should go to sleep, we'll talk after my shift if you're awake yet," Jamie says, seeming to notice how tired I am.

"Thanks Jamie, I promise I'll make more time to hang out," I tell them before heading to my room.

I get to my room only to change into my pajamas before finally laying down. God the exhaustion is only now fully hitting me.

It's around 10 pm now, I could have slept later but I seriously needed a shower since I didn't take one before going to sleep last night. So I've taken the shower and gotten dressed and now, I want to go back to sleep.

I know I shouldn't but I'm just so fucking tired. It's fine, I need to do this, I should just make coffee. I don't like coffee. I'm just get fucking Starbucks if it's still open is Starbucks open 24/7 I don't know, whatever I'll just get coffee some where.

Just as I'm putting my shoes on the front door opens, "Jamie! How was work?" I call out from my room.

"It was better then I expected," they answered as they passed my room.

As I get my shoes on I walk out only to go to their room leaning on the door way seeing then taking their shoes off. "Did you see my spider boy?"

"Yeah he's fucking huge, I never want to see him," they say with a shiver.

"Ha ha imagine being scared of spiders," I tease them.

"Shut it, you are scared of stupid shit too," Jamie says giving me a death glare.

"Really like what?"

"You're scared of bees, ants, vomit, cats," they answer, about to continue but I cut them off.

"Okay okay I get it, I am scared of stupid things," I say annoyed.

"I don't get it, it's not even like you have a fear of every bug or anything just those two kinda of bugs," Jamie says continuing the conversation.

"I need to go to work now, bye Jamie," I say quickly shutting it down. God I feel like ants are crawling on me, I know they aren't but I idea whatever I need to stop thinking about it just stop. Just focus on work.

I make my way out the door with my stuff and into the car. I'll be a bit early but its fine I don't have anything else planned.

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