(32) I love you too

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The ride back was kind of awkward, but that's to be expected. Jamie tried to talk to Gregory but he didn't seem to want to talk. The rest of the day went the same as well. Now that it's dinner time, and I haven't slept yet, I'm very exhausted.

"What's for dinner? I'm getting hungryyyyy," Jamie complains from the couch.

Fuck me, I haven't even had time to rest. "How's pizza?" I suggest.

"Pizza!" Both Jamie and Gregory say in unison. Gregory glares at Jamie, while Jamie laughs it off. I can see Gregory smile for a second before he quickly hides it again.

"Pizza it is than," I went to grab my phone but than the idea of going to the pizzaplex crosses my mind. No no, it's closed but I could see if DJ would help me make it in the kitchen. I need to talk to him anyways.

"(Y/n), you good? you kinda zoned out," Jamie chuckles.

"Oh yeah, sorry just tired, I'll go pick up some pizza, I'll see you guys in a bit," I apologize while grabbing my phone, keys, and jacket.

Time skip brought to you by me being super fucking tired right now

When I get to the pizza plex I notice there aren't any cars in the parking lot. Would me going in be considered breaking and entering? I hope not, I'm still going in, since I am paying for the pizza.

I go to unlock the door when I see it's already unlocked. I go in, heading straight for the dancefloor to get to DJ.

When walking throughout the pizza plex I notice all of the animatronics just doing whatever, walking around. It seems they are all fixed, and kind of lonely. I'm sure they'll be happy when the pizza plex opens again.

Getting to the dance floor I notice the humanoid version of Djmm sitting on the edge of the stage, staring at his hand on his lap.

"Dj!" I call out to him, excited to see him again. He quickly looks up in my direction, his seemingly sad expression turning into a smile.

"Pumpkin," he pushes himself off the stage, walking over to me calmly.

We meet each other half way, and I quickly hug him. He crouches down, hugging me back. I didn't realize how much I missed him, it's only been a week. "I missed you so much," I hold onto him tighter.

"Me too," his voice is soft, I can tell he means it. "I'm so sorry for what I did to y-"

"You weren't in control of your body," I cut him off, "don't be sorry, please." I try to reassure him, pulling away slightly I move a hand to his shoulder, the other to his cheek as he frowns,"I don't want you to feel sorry for something you didn't do."

I lean in, kissing him softly. He kisses back, moving one hand to the back of my head, one on my hand that's on his cheek and with the other two he's still hugging me. The kiss lasted for a minute, the silence in the room made the moment peaceful. The kiss was passionate, in a loving way, it was soft and gentle compared to the ones DJ had given me before.

I had to pull away since I have to breath, when I do, I see his soft smile, causing me to smile back. "I love you so much," I tell him, leaning my forehead on his.

"I love you too," he responds. I realize this is the first time we have said I love you to each other in a non joking way.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"Please stay with me forever, I don't want to lose you."

"You couldn't get rid of me even if you tried," he chuckles.

"I would never want to get rid of you, I actually came here to ask you something," I tell him.

"I think it's a bit early to get engaged but if you wa-"

"No no!" I laugh, "I wanted to ask if I could make a third dj animatronic, I want to be with you constantly, I don't want to have to go home, without having you with me, so I was thinking, I could make another one of you, so I could keep you with me," I explain.

Dj doesn't respond for a second, thinking about what I had asked. "And I thought I was clingy, but I'm fine with it, as long as you make me as sexy as I am right now."

I roll my eyes at his request, "oh darn, I was planning on making you look disgusting," I sarcastically complain.

"Anyways, I actually was supposed to get pizza since Jamie is finally back home, and oh, did I tell you? I adopted Gregory, it's been a crazy week since I last saw you," I explain.

"I don't date (milfs/dilfs) sorry, we have to break up," he jokes.

"What?? How could you hurt me in such a way, I guess I'll just throw him in a dumpster," I smile, "but seriously, do you want to help me make pizza?"

"Why would you have to make it? The kitchen is still open," Dj asks slightly confused.

"Really? I thought the whole plex was closed until next week?" I question.

"No, they still are delivering food, just isn't open for people to come in," he explains.

"Oh, that makes sense, well, do you want to come with me? Since you love me so much?"I ask him, smiling.

"yeah, whatever," he rolls his eyes, letting go of me standing up.

We leave the dance floor, get the pizzas from the kitchen, which was being run by robots, and he brings me to the door.

"Thanks for coming with me, even though I'm sure it would have been easier to go by myself."

"What I'm not allowed to bug you? I am a spider after all," he asks, smiling happily like he just made the best joke in the world.

"Haha very funny," I say, but I can't help but smile at his stupid joke, "well I'm going to try and finish making the third animatronic soon, so I'll see you soon," I smile. He waves me off.

When I get back home with the pizza, I notice Jamie and Gregory passed out on the couch, laying next to each other.

I'm lucky to have these too.

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