(23) Waiting

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(Sorry this is a shorter chapter! I'm hoping to have more time soon)

By the time I'm able to get back to the pizza plex dinner rush is over so, loads of people are leaving.  

This shouldn't take to long, as long as I don't get held up by anyone or -"(y/n)!" Dave, of course it's Dave. 

"Hey, I didn't think you were working tonight," I hold in a sigh begging to come out. 

"Yep, on the register in the gift shop," he smiles. 

"Did, you need something Dave?" I ask with a fake smile, trying to be polite. 

"Oh uh, no, no I don't, just wanted to talk, we never talk outside of work, I mean we're at work but I'm on break, you're off for the night," Dave rambles. 

"I have something I need to do Dave, but I'll catch you next time? We can hang out after our shifts or something," god, he is awkward to talk to but he's nice enough. 

"Right," his his smile dampens slightly, "could I get your number? So we can arrange a time to hang out, of course," he rubs the back of his neck. 

"Uhm sure, do you have your phone on you?" I ask, I don't mind talking to him, I just refuse to be the one holding the conversation. 

"Uhm," he pats his back and front pockets, "no, but! I do have this pen."

He hands me the pen and extends his forearm for me to write on. I click the pen and grab ahold of his arm feeling the dampness of sweat, isn't he just working the register? I quickly write down my number as I am forced to listen to his very heavy breathing. 

"Right, see you later," I hand the pen back to him, his hand touching mine as he grabs it. 

It was very obviously intentional.  Whatever I need to get downstairs now. I push my way past the crowds heading towards the exit, making sure not to knock anyone over in the process. 

I don't completely know the way down under the pizza plex but hey! Doesn't hurt to try and find it, unless it does, which I shouldn't be thinking about. I get to the entrance of the maintenance tunnels before all the lights in the pizza plex turn off then on again. 


I don't need to focus on that right now though, I need to find that creepy bunny animatronic or evidence that Vanessa is Vanny.  

Maybe I should wait until closing, than I'd be able to bring DJ with me. I could go hang out with him until then, brilliant idea, hopefully I don't get fired for being here past closing.

I make my way over to the dance floor, passing more people that are leaving. Is it really that late? As I'm walking I pull out my phone and look at the time, it's already 10:30? Jesus, I didn't think it took that long to drive here. 

Well at least it's not as much waiting time, the plex closes completely around midnight right? I pull the back door to DJ open and enter. Instantly DJ is up from his previous position of laying on the ground. 

"Pumpkin what took you so long to come back?" DJ asks. 

"Sorry DJ, I got off work after I was done with Monty so I went to visit Jamie in the hospital," I explain, "which is why I'm back here." I tell him what Jamie had told me at the hospital and why I came back. 

"Are you sure thats a good idea?" DJ questions, concerned. 

"I have to, I don't want anyone else to get hurt by Vanessa's actions," I answer with a sigh. "But I want to wait until the pizza plex closes so I can have more time to find stuff around here, and not get fired, hopefully."

And so we waited. 

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