(22) Fursuit

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(Reminder that this isn't gonna keep strictly to cannon stuff)

I watch as Monty's eyes open once again but other than that he remains still. After a minute of I assume processing, he speaks.

"Why am I here?" He questions. His voice is still rough but a higher pitch than the past month or so since Vanessa messed with his programming.

"You have been acting aggressive, I was told to fix your programming, which it seems I have," I smile, feeling relieved that Monty is okay. Although I hadn't really worked on him before the virus I can tell that he is back to normal.

"There was a rabbit," he mutters, sounding confused.

"Was it Bonnie?" Bonnie has been out of commission since an accident in the golf course with Monty. Bonnie got aggressive towards Monty in front of kids so he was forced to fight back to protect them.

"No," his voice drops, obviously regretting the past events, "it was a white rabbit with spots."

"Was the rabbit one of our animatronics?" We haven't ever had a white rabbit but maybe it was a scrapped project or a just not finished yet.

"It wasn't an animatronic, it was a costume," what if it was Vanessa?

I spent the next few hours talking to Monty, asking him questions while he gave the best answers he could before I brought him back to his room.

I've learned that he doesn't remember anything after he got the virus, which was around the time he got his new claws, and the rest of the time he just apologized for hurting others. Which is took a long time to calm him down.

He's back in his room now, and I would go tell Boss lady that he's fixed but it's closing time and I have to rush to get to Jamie.  I'll have to tell her and apologize to DJ for not coming back tomorrow.

I speed walk out of the pizza plex dodging kids and parents coming and going as I make my way out the door. I practically run once I've exited the building to get to my car.

I get in and start the drive to the hospital. Now I don't doubt that I won't have much time to talk to them but it'll be worth it. I don't want to miss the opportunity to see them.

The whole drive my thoughts are focused on their condition. I hadn't really thought about them today, thanks to DJ. I feel bad about it, I should have been focused on them more than anything else.

I shake my head to refocus myself as I reach the hospital. I park my car before getting out and locking it and starting for the entrance.

Avoiding people as much as possible I make it to Jamie's room. I push the door open to see them sat up in bed with a book in hand.

"Hey Jamie," I say as I enter the room, letting the door close behind me.

They look up from their book and smile, "Babe, take time off to take care of me," they seem to be doing much better than yesterday.

"I would but there are a lot of problems at the pizza plex right now," I tell them taking a seat in a chair that was placed next to the bed, "did someone else visit you?"

They groan in annoyance, "yeah, my mom came but she kept fucking dead naming me, " David this, David that" it makes me want to avoid her. I fucking legally changed my name what will it take for her to respect me?"

"I'll punch her next time I see her for you," I joke receiving a laugh in return.

"I wanted to tell you about what happened, how I got hurt," they say, changing the tone of the room completely. I nod telling them to go on. "So Vanessa asked me to come down stairs with her. Which obviously I mean she's hot I'm not gonna say no so I follow her down stairs. She leads me to this old run down place and she tells me she forgot something. Well, a few minutes after she left some bitch in a fur suit comes out and pushes me down a hole in the floor. When I got down there, there was a huge messed up bunch of animatronic parts, and it was moving, I have no clue how it was working but that's not even what fucking attacked me. Some shriveled up burnt bunny animatronic shows up and attacks me. Vanessa got back before he could seriously hurt me and she took me back upstairs and told everyone an animatronic attacked me."

We remain silent for a minute as I reply their story in my head, "was the furry costume a white bunny?"

"Yeah? Why does that matter?" They ask confused.

"Visiting hours are over," a nurse interrupts.

"I'll text you about it, I'll try and come back tomorrow," I get up from my seat and mess up Jamie's hair, "love you dude."

"Love you too nerd," they fake an angry face but it doesn't stay for long, "I can't wait to be able to go home again."

"I can wait, it's nice without you," I say in a joking tone, "but seriously, I hope you come back sooner than later." I give them one last wave before leaving the room with a lot to think about. I should probably check around the pizza plex to see if I can find the costume.

And that's what I'm going to do.

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