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(I honestly have no clue what to title this chapter so no Name sorry)
When I get home I basically fall on the couch not wanting to walk all the way to my bedroom.

"(Y/n) is that you?" I hear Jamie ask from their room.

"Yeah," I respond not bothering to try and keep the conversation going.

"Aren't you going to get upset at me for the picture?" They ask leaning over the end of the couch.

"To tired," I mutter looking up at them, noticing they are ready for work already.

"Guess I shouldn't complain about that," they laugh, "so how was your lover boy?"

I glare up at them, "I don't have a lover boy," I say before rolling onto my side facing away from them.

"Well that's not what I heard, Dj told me that your his pumpkin, and you've told me yourself he's your spider boy," Jamie tells me.

"Maybe you should stop listening to a robot," I say with a yawn.

"Should I stop listening to you then too? You said he's yours."

"When did I say that?" I huff.

"When you asked me if I had seen him you said your spider boy," they insist.

"I might have but I just wasn't thinking about it," I tell them,"but not I need to sleep, I'm exhausted."

"Fine, get your beauty rest so you look nice for your spider," Jamie teases. I ignore them and let myself drift off to sleep.

When I wake up it's dark outside again, and I'm still super fucking tired. I need more days off. I pick up my phone to check the time only to realize that it's dead. My fucking alarm didn't go off then. I push myself off the couch and make my way to the kitchen checking the time on the microwave. It's 10:30. Shit. I don't have time to really do anything besides put on deodorant and leave.

I put my key in the lock the door before I see Jamie come up. "Why haven't you left yet?" They ask.

"My phone died so I missed my alarm I have to leave right now," I say pulling my key out of the door, "I'll see you when I can," I tell them. Not waiting for a response I hurry to my car and get in.

The drive is silent and the whole time I feel tense trying to make it on time without speeding. If only my phone was fucking charged or remember to fucking leave a charger in my car.

It's fine though, hopefully nothing bad will happen at work, and if anything does happen so fucking help me. I need to calm down, I get to see DJ again, and work on him, and the more I work the sooner I'll get to to tell everyone that my animatronic is in the pizza plex.

I finally get there and as usual there are basically no cars, besides the security guards. Which I'm pretty sure I haven't met yet. I should try to talk them, maybe I'll have someone to talk to when DJ is asleep. Ahh I need to stop thinking and actually clock in. I speed walk through the building, checking in and heading to Djmm. When I get there I see he is awake.

"So DJ, how was your day?" I ask as I approach.

"No insults today?" He asks with a chuckle.

"None for now, I kinda just woke up and drove here," I answer and let out a sigh.

"A kid booked his birthday party for the dance floor," he says and continues to tell me about his day and what he had done as I set up my stuff to work. "But my day would have been better if you were her the whole time."

"I wish I could be with you all the time, this is the best job I've ever had," he seems happy with my response and we talk for awhile.

"I've heard you love musicals," DJ says out of the blue, causing me to pause my work and look up at him.

"I don't," I quickly blurt out. Oh god how, why????

"Hmmmm, that's not what Jamie said," he says as I go back to working.

"Well Jamie is stupid."

"What's your favorite musical?"

"Im not telling you."

"So you do have a favorite then?"

"I messed up my words."

"Jamie said your favorite was the heathers," fuck Jamie, Jamie so gonna fucking die when I get home.

"When were you talking to Jamie?" I ask taking small glances between him and my work.

"They were at the birthday party," he answers. That's why Jamie was talking about him earlier.

"Why does it matter if I like musicals?" I ask keeping focused on working again.

"It doesn't, you being embarrassed by it is why it matters, Pumpkin," he says, if he could move his face more I know for a fact he would be so much harder to deal with.

"I hate you," I state childishly. Obviously I don't hate him but God sometimes I wish I could hate him.

"Sure you do," he responds.

The room remains quiet for awhile as I continue to work before I break the silence, "I should be done with this in about a month."

"A whole month of you to myself," he says happily.

"Maybe, but it will be full of mostly work like I've been doing," I tell him.

"We still get to talk, pumpkin, and that's perfect for me," god how does he do that? He is just so amazing, and he is an animatronic so I shouldn't be thinking about this.

"Why do you like talking to me so much?" I ask stopping my work to look up at him.

He doesn't answer for a minute leaving the room in a tense silence, "you are the only human that actually likes talking to, other than the kids, and Evan," Evan, I forgot about Evan, I wish I didn't remember Evan.

"Do you like Evan?" I ask as I continue my work once again.

"He is okay, I like you more then him, he brings his kid here every other day and he always talks to me," DJ tells me and I can't help but feel relieved knowing he likes me more then Evan. I'm being selfish though, I shouldn't get upset about him talking to some guy.

"Aw you like me more? Well it just so happens that you are my favorite animatronic," I hear and feel him move and look over to see he had moved closer. "I wish I could take you home with me, but I can't sneak you out," I say with a laugh.

"What do you mean? I can definitely fit through the doors," he says sarcastically.

"I know, and you could definitely fit in my house too," I roll my eyes. We keep talking and joking around until I have to leave.

"Bye DJ," I tell him as I make my way out of the dancefloor. I let out a sigh as I start to walk to the doors. As I'm walking I notice someone else, it's probably the security guard I should talk to them.

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