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It's been weeks since the day Butch's tooth loosened. Y/N's brother and mother wasn't brought up again but the subject sat in the back of Camilo, Mirabel, and Dante's minds.

"What do you guys think happened in the Philippines?", Dante asked when it was just the three of them.

"I don't know. She's never really brought it up before. And we also never asked. I know the adults know about it though", Camilo said, swinging his feet as he lay on the hammock from the knee up. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the ceiling.

"I think Papa and Abuela know. They talked with Señor Ernesto after their first lunch here", Mirabel suggested. She and Dante were leaning on each other's backs on the long couch.

"When do you guys think we could ask her about it?", Dante wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe she'll bring it up on her own one day. We should just be patient", Mirabel said.

"But what if she won't", Camilo sighed.

They all thought about it.

Why did the deLos Reyes leave the Philippines?

Why is it just the three of them?

Has it always been just the three of them?

The pictures on the deLos Reyes' walls and tables showed just the three of them. Butch, Y/N, and Señor Ernesto. Sometimes there would be other people in the frames but there wasn't any emphasis with who could be Y/N's mother and older brother be.

Maybe the pictures of their complete family are just in their rooms. It's not like Camilo's snooped around in there before, that would be rude and creepy.

They all jumped when a loud bang came from the second floor.

"AAHHH I WANNA SEE THIS!" Antonio busted out of his room with many of his animals. They watched him run towards Mama's room. He slammed the door open and yelled.


Thunder clapped and shook Casita making everybody cover their ears.

"Antonio, do not scare your mother like that", they heard their Papa before more thunder clapped from inside their room.

"I'm sorry, Mami. I'm sorry, Papi. but can I go see Butch? The birds said that Ate Y/N'S gonna take his tooth out and I wanna see". They heard their Mama sigh.

"Just don't surprise me again, Tonito, and bring your brother with you", she said and Antonio squealed in excitement.

"Thank you Mami!", He said before closing the door gently this time. Antonio spotted the big kids watching him from the sala. He squealed before getting on Diego's back.

"Diego Jump!", the jaguar jumped from the terrace to the tiled first floor, Antonio squealing all the way.

"What are you waiting for?? Get on!", He said excitedly. Mirabel and Dante shrugged and got off the couch. Milo just groaned and rolled around the hammock.

"I'm too comfortable here!", he said. He yelped when he felt the hammock start to flip over.

"ALRIGHT I'LL GO", he said, clinging to the fabric's edges. Camilo got up and scowled at the smiling jaguar.

"Stupid cat, can't leave a boy alone", he mumbled and he could've sworn Diego rolled his eyes. He didn't even know if cats could roll their eyes.

They then zoomed around town on the jaguar's back to get to the compound. They got off Diego's back in front of the deLos Reyes residence.Everybody frowned when they heard yelling and crying from the house.

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now