Announcement 😔

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Hello all,

We probably should have announced this earlier but I guess we were both too busy to do so.

 I'm sorry, to tell you all that Fall of Olympus has been discontinued, because both authors lost interest.

It hurts me to say this, because I spent a lot of my time plotting out this book. But it seemed sort of overdone and just... plain the more I went over it. I apologise for not communicating this earlier and making you wait for an update.

Maybe someday I'll be re-inspired to continue this story. 

But, for now, I shall be focusing on my other works: The Dissonant Notes of Fate, Perseus: Excidium Troiae, The Hunters of the Sun, The Lobby and The Guardians. If you'd like to see more PJO content from me you can check out those stories. Thank you for your support. It means a lot!



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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