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"Quick, hide!' Nyx hissed. "My husband approaches. The primordials are not supposed to know of your existence until you are ready."

Percy's eyes widened in fear. He wasn't ready to face another of the protogenoi who could wipe him out with a single thought. His new powers were hard to control, and Khaos had asked him not to reveal himself to the primordial council until he had mastered them. He shut his eyes, and fused with the shadows, before he realized that was a huge mistake. Erebus materialized in the audience chamber, and Nyx swooped down from her throne in a whirlwind of darkness.

"Husband," she forced a smile on her face. "I was just about to come to The Void to see you. Why are you here?"

Erebus smiled. "Do I need a reason to visit my wife?"

Nyx tensed, but she recovered quickly. She could sense Perseus in the shadows, which meant her husband could too, because she shared that domain. Her fears came to light when Erebus brow creased.

"There's someone here," he said quietly. "There's someone spying on us from the darkness."

Percy's breath hitched. Erebus was the primordial god of darkness and shadows. He was such an idiot. The god could sense beings hiding in his domain from a mile away.

He watched with bated breath, as Erebus glided around the room, his eyes shifting across the corners, narrowed.

"Erebus," Nyx voice had an edge of nervousness to it. Khaos had asked her to hide Perseus because a few of the primordials would try to kill him. She had almost done the same, but...they had gotten over that. Tartarus and all the protogenoi wanted his head after he killed Gaea in the war. And once the primordials found out he was working for them, they would try to exploit him, using him to do all their dirty work. "I think we should-"

"Quiet," he snapped lowly. "Do you want to alert whoever it is that we're on to them?"

Percy gulped as Erebus head snapped in his direction. His eyes seemed to pierce through Percy's soul. Faster than he could comprehend, Erebus was in front of him, his had shooting forward, and the shadows he had taken refuge in chucked Percy out, and he landed in a heap on the black marble floor. It was very dark but he'd gotten accustomed to it, and he could see Erebus clearly. The primordial had a stony expression of his face.

"Who sent you? The Olympians?' his voice was low and sent chills down Percy's spine. "Who would dare spy on a primordial?"

Percy glanced up, just in time to see the darkness condense in Erebus' hands, and form a large sword.

"No!' Nyx appeared next to her husband. "You will not harm my son, Erebus!"

He was so startled her lowered his weapon. "That can't be your son," he growled. "Why are you protecting the son of Poseidon? The one who killed your sister. The pawn of those upstarts called gods."

"You don't-"

"He shall die!" Erebus said. "I clearly remember you wanting to kill him after he and the dumb blonde infiltrated your mansion and told you they were tourists! And now you're protecting him?!"

Erebus snapped his fingers and his wife was flung across the room by an invisible force. Percy scrambled to his feet. "Look, it's not-'

"Quiet, boy," the primal god of darkness, said. "Die in silence."

Percy tried to speak again, only to find that no sound was coming out of his mouth. It was like his voice box had been shut down. Snuffed out. Fear and panic set in. He couldn't die like this! Not after everything that had happened. Percy held out his hand a sword materialized in it. It seemed to be made of shadows, which kept shifting not taking a full solid form. Its blade was obsidian black, with purple and red lines running down it. It was Riptide. A new and improved version of his sword. Erebus launched himself forward, swinging his sword to decapitate Percy brought his sword to block, and newfound strength pushed him. He was glad the primordial was in human form, and pushed him back. Erebus attacked again, forcing Percy to go on the defense.

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