Prison Break

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A while back...

"Hello, Uncle," He rose from his bow, and faced the king of the skies. Ouranos smiled at his sister's son, and stood from his throne. He had pure white hair and sky blue eyes, with a neatly trimmed beard. His kingly robes seemed to be shimmering between blue and black, signifying the day and night sky.

"Yes, nephew," Ouranos walked to him. "For what reason would you grace me with your presence?"

The cloaked man was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke. "As the council decided, I am to get a companion to aid me in my quest. For my companion, I have selected Zoe Nightshade. The huntress. A lady from your court of stars."

Ouranos' eyes widened slightly when his nephew told him who he wanted as his companion.

At seeing the King of the Skies reaction, he frowned under his hood and asked "Is there a problem that I am unaware of, Uncle?"

Ouranos sighed and said "I'm afraid that request might not work. Miss Nightshade is not under my care anymore."

Sea green eyes narrowed at what Ouranos had just revealed. "What do you mean?"

"Miss Nightshade had been taken from me by Zeus and Hades. She was cast into Punishment because of who she was, a daughter of a Titan. I was unable to stop them."

Ouranos watched his nephew carefully, trying to see how he would react to hearing about what had happened to Zoe.

He remained silent, and Ouranos frowned. "Nephew-"

"I'll kill them."

Ouranos pursed his lips as the cloaked man reached up to grab the mask that he was wearing.

"I'll kill them. I will end them. They don't deserve to be in control. I'll be the one to end their reign."

"Is that what you truly want to do?" Ouranos questioned as the cloaked man lowered his hand.

A cruel smile appeared on his lips, and he knew Ouranos wouldn't be able to see his face.

"Yes. They'll beg for death once I'm done with them."

End of flashback

Zoe stared up at the face of a man that she knew too well. The only male that she had approved of, the one who wielded her sword.

"Hello, Zoe." The man said with a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" She asked incredulously. "Do you even know where we are?"

The green eyed man tilted his head and said "Well of course, I came down here to find you."

The former hesperide was at a loss for words, and the man sighed. He stretched his hand out and a throwing knife appeared in his hand. He used the knife to cut through the ropes tying her to the pole.

Zoe would have face-planted onto the ground, but the man was quick to grab her by the waist to steady her.

The former hesperide turned red and she shoved the man away. "Don't lay your hands on me!"

He shrugged as he moved back to give her some more space. "I'm just trying to help."

Zoe took a deep breath before she said "I'm going to repeat myself one more time. What are you doing here?"

The man grinned and put his mask back on. "I'm here to ask you a question."

Zoe's eyes narrowed and she snapped "Out with it, already! What is it?"

"Do you, Zoe Nightshade, want to help me fight against the Gods?"

The former hesperide blinked, clearly thrown off by the question that the masked man gave her.

A few seconds had passed before he looked down at his nails and mused "You know, if you don't want to, you can just-"

"I'll do it."

The man glanced up to see Zoe staring at him with determination. "I'll help you fight them. They took me from the sky and brought me here just because I'm the daughter of a titan. They took me here even though I had proved my loyalty to them."

The masked man chuckled before he snapped his fingers. A cloak and a mask that had slits for the eyes appeared in his hands, and he held the items out to Zoe.

She hesitated before taking the items from him. As she was putting the mask and the cloak on, the man grabbed the edge of his hood and pulled it over his head.

Once Zoe had concealed her identity, the man stretched his hand out to her once more. "Ready to leave?"

Zoe stared at his hand before she reached out and took it in her own. The masked man closed his eyes and the two of them disappeared in a spray of mist.


The two of them appeared in the middle of a large room. Torches blazed on the walls and standing in front of Zoe and the man were two immortals.

Thanatos and Orcus.

Zoe and the masked man's gazes landed on an immortal sitting on a black throne at the back of the room, and both of them tensed at seeing who it was.

Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, gazed down at them with an unreadable expression.

"What do we have here? Two intruders?"

"We'll dispose of them, My Lord." Orcus said as a sword appeared in his hand. He stalked towards the man and Zoe with a cruel smirk.

"Take these." The man said as he held out two silver hunting knives to Zoe. "Quickly!"

The former hesperide snatched the weapons and turned to intercept Orcus. The masked man faced Thanatos as the immortal approached.

"I don't know why you've come here, but it doesn't matter. You'll be dead soon." A scythe appeared in Thanatos' hands, and the God swung the weapon towards the masked man.

The man snapped his fingers and a wall of darkness materialized in front of him, blocking Thanatos' attack.

The God looked shocked, and the man grinned before blasting Thanatos back. The God landed in a heap beside Hades' throne where he lay still.

The masked man looked back to see Zoe standing over Orcus, her hunting knives pointed at his neck. She glanced up to meet his eyes before the man walked over to Hades.

The Lord of the Underworld looked slightly unsettled at how easily the man had defeated Thanatos. He rose from his throne and growled "How dare you? You'll pay for your insolence with your life!"

"Alecto said the exact same thing, and yet I still live." The man said.

Hades lunged at the man as a stygian iron sword appeared in his hand. Before the God could even reach the masked man, he found himself pinned to his throne with shackles made out of pure darkness.

The man laughed as he leaned down to get closer to Hades. "Wow. I can't imagine how embarrassing this is for you."

"Who are you?" The God demanded as he struggled to get out of the shackles.

The masked man smiled and said "Tell the Olympians this: their end is coming. Their reign shall end, and I am The Harbinger of that end. The Olympians gravest mistake shall be their downfall. Khaos' last order was to remove you from power, and I shall do that. Watch your backs, Olympians. Tread carefully. Be wary, for every move you make...... We will be watching."

Hades' eyes widened before the masked man snapped his fingers again, and he and Zoe vanished into thin air.

Word count: 1238

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