In The House Of Night

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"You found her?' The impressed voice of his father came to him when they popped out of the darkness, into the house of Night in Tartarus, right in the audience chamber.

"I found her?" He scoffed in disbelief, unlatching his mask. "Of course I did. What do you take me for?'

On the his and hers back thrones on the dais, the darkness took a shape. Erebus materialized in the large black throne with Nyx seated in the throne next to him. Percy examined the Lords Of Darkness and Night. His father had slicked back black hair, and his eyes were pools of darkness. His robes were made purely of the stuff he had total control over, and seemed to churn and forth with every movement he made. He had a roughly chiseled face, and a cleanly-shaven beard. At his side sat his wife, Percy mother, the woman who had taken him in five years before. She was also in her mortal form, not the one which had attacked him and Annabeth when they were in Tartarus a few years before, and her robes were also made of darkness, and showed ample cleavage. Her dark eyes were filled with what he would call pride, but he couldn't be sure. She seemed to be one with the dark walls of the audience chamber. 

He placed the mask inside his cloak, and his eyes slowly regained their now cold sea-green color.  They flickered to his companion, who was standing next to him. Percy motioned to Zoe to take the mask off, but she seemed frozen.

He reached out, and threw the hood off the daughter of Atlas with one hand, while his other hand took off the white mask. Immediately he did so, Zoe dropped into a bow. She could feel the power radiating off the two, and she couldn't believe she was in the presence of two primordials, who could wipe her out with a single thought or a flick of their finger.

"Rise, Heroine," Nyx motioned with her chin. "There is no need to bow to us. We are not stuck-up gods"

"Well said, wife," Erebus nodded. "We are but partners in this quest now. You can think of us as your patrons." He paused. "That is, assuming you have accepted to aid us..."

Zoe rose, nodding, "There's no need to ask for a second time, I will help you."

"Good," Nyx said, eyeing Zoe's form. Her attention turned swiftly to Percy. "Perseus,  please escort our guest to her accommodation."

"Of course, mother," He bowed. Then he turned to Zoe. "Follow me, Nightshade. I will take you to your room."


They walked out of the nearest doorway. Perseus led them through several passages and mysterious hallways, which, in spite of the torches on the wall, were still dark and ominous. After a lot of twists, turns, and stone walls, they finally topped at a large black door.

"This is your room, Zoe," He motioned to the door. "You will get used to the layout of the house in a few weeks, and you will get accustomed to the darkness after sometime. Make yourself comfortable. My sister Hemera is in the room opposite yours. We made it this way so you could go to her in times of need. I am at the end of the hallway. Hemera will accompany you to the war room when we meet to discuss further plans. The servants will bring your food."

Zoe blinked. Servants? She hadn't seen a single living soul since they left the audience chamber, but anyway, she nodded to him. 

He gave her a curt nod back, and Zoe looked him over. He was not the same boy who had helped her rescue her lady all those years before. He was older, for a fact. And far more mature. Not that she was complaining, but in the past hour she'd been with him, as a former nymph, she could tell that he had changed greatly. He was taller and well built now, his prowess on the battlefield and his powers over darkness were amazing. But he was cold, emotionless, indifferent. If he was the same as before, he would have been making inappropriate jokes, and pulling pranks. But his normal carefree attitude was gone. Well, it was still there, because he had shown it during the rescue, but when he was in front of the primordials, it was like he was a whole different person. Zoe had heard about the giant war from her time in the heavens. Although Lord Ouranos  still hated Gaea for orchestrating his death and banishing him to the sky, he had been in full support of her destroying Olympus. Zoe and the other constellations had watched, under their mistress Asteria, when Gaea was defeated, but at a cost. Personally, at that time she was not in support of the destruction of Olympus. 

It was immediately after they won that Zeus had decided to tie off all lose ends on Olympus. He had had Alabaster Torrington hunted down and exterminated, he had killed off the were wolfs, and had cast Boreas, Zetes, Calais, and Khione down to earth as mortal for their punishment. And she was sure he had done something to Percy as well. That was why he was here, probably.  He had also had her removed from the sky. It irked Zoe that they had questioned her loyalty and had her sent to punishment so quickly. Zeus was an egoistic paranoid bastard, and he needed to be brought down a peg or two. Even though she might feel guilty about it afterwards, she was definitely helping the primordials. Besides, she owed it to Ouranos for protecting her for as long as he did, and for Perseus for saving her.

She still didn't understand how he had ended up with two primordials for parents, and why he kept on giving that cold and dark vibe. Al she knew was that he was thirsting for revenge. He was drowning in anger, and silently dying in sadness, betrayal and loneliness. She could feel it rolling off him in waves. Especially since she died. It had taken a huge toll on him, from what she could tell. But hopefully, she would get the full story and the briefing of what had happened to him after the war, when they gathered in the war room tonight.

"Goodbye Zoe," The man's voice broke her out of her reverie.

'Huh, what? Oh, yes, goodbye."

He turned away from her and began walking back in the direction they had come, his footsteps echoing through the hallway, his figure broad and manly, and his face contorted into a frown. He went farther, and farther, and farther, until the darkness swallowed him whole.

(A/N: I wanted to end the chapter here, but I figured our chapter lengths are a little too short, so I added a some more. Enjoy! - Yournormalpjofanboy)


"You did a good job today, Perseus," Erebus said. "You make us proud."

'Yes," Nyx nodded. "The next step will be getting the demigods out of the way, when Tartarus opens his gates."

Percy shook his head, "I hold no ill will against the demigods. We will send a message, telling them to pull out of the war. If they don't heed our warning, they die."

Erebus graced him with a smile. "Once again, you have proven yourself a level-headed commander. I am glad we found you when we did."

Percy felt mixed emotions. He finally decided on a smile, as he remembered how his father had tried to kill him when he first laid eyes on him....


A/N: Haha, joking. Friends, this is where I end my chapter. Hope you liked my cliffhanger! Don't forget to vote,and leave a comment on your thoughts. Darkarchangel2, tell me what you think of this chapter. Hope you guys liked it- Yournormalpjofanboy.

Word Count: 1300

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