Chapter 8: Becoming Petey

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Meanwhile, Commander Cupcake and Grampa were still looking for cans of living spray and cannery grow. They were at a surf shop, where there were two surfers.

"Sorry, dudes, we're all out," one of the surfers said.

"I can't believe it!" Grampa said angrily as he and Commander Cupcake walked away into the city. "Nobody has any living spray or cannery grow!"

"Let's do something else," Commander Cupcake said. "I'm hungry."

"No!" Grampa snapped. "I'm not giving up until-"

Commander Cupcake and Grampa were in front of a TV store. The TVs were and Sarah showed on each of them. "We're back Live," Sarah spoke, standing next to Petey. "With Petey the Cat, who had agreed to give us a tour of his secret laboratory. Which is filled with all kinds of dangerous stuff. It's an arsenal for apparatuses of annihilation. And a depot for doodads of doom."

In TV, Grampa gasped when he noticed that there were cans of cannery grow and living spray kept in Petey's lab. "Hey, look! There they are!" Grampa said before he fixed his mistake. " Er, I mean, beep-boop. I have detected the items we were searching for."

"We must aquire them at Petey's lab!" Commander Cupcake and Grampa began running when they saw Dog Man with a heart shaped box in his mouth.

"Oh, hi Dog Man," Commander Cupcake stopped and greeted.

Dog Man barked in response. "Aww, I'm sorry to hear that," Commander Cupcake said, understanding and pitying Dog Man before running after Grampa. "Cheer up, little buddy! Everything will be okay!"

Dog Man walked to the hospital with the box. He placed in front of the door and rung the doorbell. Dog Man hid behind the building as Nurse Lady opened the door to see the box.

"My goodness, it's a box of candies," Nurse Lady said as she picked the box up. "I'm gonna share these bad boys with everybody."

As Nurse Lady went back into the hospital, Dog Man groaned as his plan didn't work. "Yo, who wants some wet candies I just found on the sidewalk?" Nurse Lady called out inside the hospital.

Two nurses and a patient started gobbling on the chocolates Nurse Lady had given them. Meanwhile, Sarah decided to ask Petey about his past.

"Your childhood was hard, wasn't it?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, but-" Petey started to answer but Sarah interrupted.

"Your father didn't stick around, did he?"

"No, but-"

"And then you were orphaned."

"Yeah, but-"

"Life didn't give you any breaks, did it?"

"No, but-"

"So you became a hardened criminal."

"Yeah, but-"

"Did it fill empty void in your life?"

"No, but-"

"But then something changed, didn't it?"

"Are you gonna let me talk?" Petey asked frustrated.

"Certainly," Sarah said enthusiastically.

"Okay, all of those things did happen," Petey started. "But that's not why I became the bad guy."

"Then why, Petey?" Sarah asked. "Why did you turn to the dark side?"

"Well, I-" Petey was about to answer when Maddie, Lil' Petey, and Molly bursted in. Lil' Petey and Molly were singing another song. Molly wore a glove on her tail and Lil' Petey was wearing a brown hat.

"Stinkle, stinkle, little fart," Molly and Lil' Petey sung. "Blew my underwear apart, blasting from my butt so loud like a diarrhea cloud. Stinkle, stinkle, little fart, blew my under-"

"What is wrong with you two?" Petey shouted.

"We're thirsty," Lil' Petey said.

"Yeah, potato chips can get pretty dry if you don't have chip dip,"  Molly added." No offense."

"Alright, alright!" Petey said, getting annoyed. "Walk this way!"

Maddie, Lil' Petey, and Molly followed Petey. Lil' Petey was stomping while Molly was roaring. "What are you doing now?" Petey asked once he noticed.

"We're walking like you," Molly said. This greatly infuriated Petey. He growled as he walked, Molly and Lil' Petey copying him as they both growled to themselves.

Petey opened the refrigerator and looked inside. "We have apple juice and cranberr-"

"Apple," Lil' Petey and Molly interrupted.

Petey took out the apple juice and started pouring it into two sippy cups. "Hey, Wally," Molly said. "Do you got any real cups? Sippy cups are for babies."

"Last week, you kids spilled cherry juice all over the couch!" Petey said. "So NO! It's either sippy cups or nothing!"

"Sippy cups," Molly and Lil' Petey said.

"Alright, then," Petey said, giving the cups to Lil' Petey and Molly. Molly and Lil' Petey walked away while drinking come their cups. "And don't leave lying around on the floor. I'm tired of picking up after you two."

"Petey, you know that they didn't mean to spill cherry juice last week," Maddie told Petey. "It was an accident."

"Well, they need to learn," Petey said. "I'll start giving them real cups when they grow older and more responsible."

Molly's and Lil' Petey went downstairs to the lab. They left the sippy cups at the top of the stairs. "Boy, Wally sure is a grouch today," Molly said.

"I wonder why?" Lil' Petey said.

Dog Man: Mothering Heights, with Petey and MaddieWhere stories live. Discover now