Chapter 9: The Bad Old Days

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"We're back with Petey the Cat," Sarah spoke, walking with Petey. They were outside, no longer at the lab. "But instead of telling us his story, he's going to show us."

"For the record, I think this is a bad idea," Petey said.

"Why?" Sarah asked.

"We've got these kids with us," Petey said. "They're gonna ruin everything."

"Petey, you're exaggerating," Maddie said. "A couple of songs isn't gonna ruin the interview."

"He's right," Molly whispered to Lil' Petey enthusiastically. "This is a bad idea."

"Aw, come on, Petey," Sarah said. "Show us your story."

"Well, okay, I got into trouble when I was younger," Petey explained. "I made some bad choices. And I got caught."

"By Dog Man?" Sarah asked.

"No, it was before Dog Man," Petey answered. They stopped at a blue building with a purple roof with bobbed wires, a large green window on each side, and with the word written "Jail 4 Cats" above the doors. "This is the first jail they sent me to."

"So I served my time and I tried to do good," Petey started to explain his story. "But when I finally got out, I couldn't get a job. I couldn't find a home. And nobody would give me a second chance. Everywhere I went, people just saw the bad in me."

"But what about Maddie?" Sarah asked. "She was there for you, wasn't she?"

"Yeah, even though she wasn't a criminal, she had my back back then," Petey explained. "She tried to keep me from going to jail often and when I tried to do good, she'd come to my defense whenever people wouldn't give me any breaks. She got into fights, arguments, conflicts, and became the butt of many jokes when it came to defending me from the people that saw me as a criminal. But Maddie was a strong, confident, and hopeful cat. But the people's influence were stronger than Maddie herself."

"Is that why you returned to a life of crime?" Sarah asked.

"What choice did I have?" Petey asked. "No matter how  hard Maddie and I tried, nobody would let me forget who I used to be."

Anyways, Commander Cupcake  and Grampa went to Petey's lab. Commander Cupcake waved at 80-HD, who was almost finished fixing the walls in the lab.

"Hey, Robot," Commander Cupcake said as they entered. "I don't think anybody is home."

"Beep-boop, don't worry about it," Grampa said. "I just need to-"

Grampa unfortunately tripped over the sippy cups Molly and Lil' Petey left behind. He tumbled down the stairs in an instant. "Robot!" Commander Cupcake cried as he ran down the stairs.

He was shocked to see that it was Grampa all along, his actual head sticking out, two of the robot's arms and one of its legs was missing. "Grampa? Was it you all along?" Commander Cupcake asked, shocked.

"Of course it was me all along!" Grampa spat as he climbed out of the robot. "Now quit standing there like a gumdrop and help me find what I was looking for!"

"I shall not!" Commander Cupcake stood noble. "Your deception had come to an end! For I am-"

Commander Cupcake accidentally knocked a can of living spray, which landed and rolling on the floor between him and Grampa. "Well, well, well," Grampa said, picking up the can. "Lookie here."

"No, Grampa," Commander Cupcake said.

"Aw, dry up!" Grampa said.

"No!" Commander Cupcake said, grabbing Grampa.

"Hey!" Grampa shouted. "Let go of me!"

They fell to the floor and Grampa accidentally sprayed the two sippy cups. The sippy cups grew eyes, arms, and legs, and started to move around.

"Now look at what you made me do!" Grampa said angrily as Commander Cupcake got off of him. "Those two sippy cups just came to life, and it's all your fault!"

"Aw, don't worry, Grampa," Commander Cupcake assured. "They're so cute and little. What harm could they possibly do?"

Commander Cupcake accidentally knocked a can of cannery grow off of a shelf. It rolled on the floor to the two sippy cups. One of the sippy cups shook the can and they were sprayed.

They started growing and growing. Grampa and Commander Cupcake could only watch in terror at their biggest mistake.

Dog Man: Mothering Heights, with Petey and MaddieWhere stories live. Discover now