Chapter 11: Where It All Began

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"If you really want to know why I changed from bad to good, it all starts here," Petey said. Everyone was in front of a large building that Maddie immediately recognized.

It was the Happy Home Shelter. It was where her grandmother's friend worked at. She remembered running into Petey again when she went here to deliver her grandmother's gift.

The loving feeling of reunion was great. How happy Maddie was to see Petey there when she saw him again. "This is where my Mom and I lived after my Dad left," Petey explained.

"We arrived with almost nothing, and things were pretty tough. We didn't have much money or food, but my Mom was always hopeful."

"We still have love," Petey's mother would often say to him. "And love lasts forever and ever."

"Hey, Papa, how come I have a bandage on my tail?" Lil' Petey asked, breaking the fourth wall.

"That's not you, that's me when I was little," Petey said.


"So, anyway," Petey continued. "It was hard on both of us, and I didn't always handle it well. But my mother always forgave me, and she never gave up on me. Through it all, her love was so strong, that it survived, even after she passed away. Even after all of the mistakes I've made.  But then one day, when I least expected it, her love became something new."

"That's me and Maddie, right, Papa?" Lil' Petey asked.

"Yep, that's the two of you," Petey said as he continued, Lil' Petey in his arms and Maddie standing next to him. "I didn't recognize it at first, and before it changed, I never realized that Maddie shared the same love as my Mom's. But my mother's love was there, staring me right in the face. Still believing in me, still forgiving me, and never giving up hope."

"Sometimes love is so strong, it really does last forever and ever." With that, Petey hugged Lil' Petey and Maddie, members of his family.

"Are you saying that love is eternal?" Sarah asked. "Even though its metaphysical characteristics may change, its invariable nature will remain pure, inspiring even the most hardened soul to transform into a benevolent altruist?"

Petey stood for a moment, shunned at Sarah's question. "Umm," he started. "Sure, why not?"

"I couldn't have said it better myself," Sarah said enthusiastically. "Well, that's the end of our show, folks. And what a wonderful ending it was. I couldn't think of anything that could ruin this delightful ending."

Everyone but Sarah saw a giant hand above them with shocked faces. The faces grabbed them and brought them up, revealing to be the sippy cups.

"Well, okay, maybe one thing," Sarah gulped.

Dog Man: Mothering Heights, with Petey and MaddieWhere stories live. Discover now