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Chapter 301 These Unconscionable People Should Be Sentenced to Death

If it doesn't matter, it's all about hanging up high. Originally, the flood of zombie deer in Australia caused species invasion, which caused red nematodes in Australia to be infected with this virus. After only half a year, it spread wildly, causing red nematodes all over the world. were infected by the virus.

At that time, Huaxia was in no mood to care about red nematodes that had viruses and no threat. All kinds of insects in the water in the southern region of the Yangtze River would kill people.

All China began to urgently produce insecticides, which was able to save the precarious people. To this end, the titles of 26 medicinal material association competitions across the country were changed.

But that's exactly what made Jing Shu's mistake. She just used the tobacco to successfully make the Wucheng Association successfully enter the top ten in the country, and skipped the first test. It can be said that Jing Shu's tobacco planting is all due to her.

Therefore, some time ago, the news in Australia did not attract attention. Until today, the virus has spread to China.

"Oh, you all have to be disinfected, but don't bring red nematodes in. There are several zombies outside that look like the zombies in the movie. Is there no help?" Jing Lai and Wu Youai sprayed hard on her body when she came back from work.

Jing Shu was speechless, "Milk, that's just pieces of necrotic flesh on the body, then pus, green, and becomes extremely stiff, just like zombies, necrotic flesh will infect the surrounding normal flesh, it's not a zombie, as for this In the later stage of the disease, the brain will indeed burn out, and people will eventually have only instincts."

In fact, this zombie disease in the previous life was only a drizzle compared to the people who died of other disasters, but the world was more panicked. It is necrotic flesh. They are pus and smelly, and they hang down like lumps of tumors. They will shake when they walk. The most powerful person Jing Shu has ever seen has lived for about a year. They are all necrotic, and they have to drag these tumors when they walk, which is extremely disgusting.

Fortunately, people with this disease can't feel pain. It comes with anesthesia medicine, which is not good to say. It has also been used for research and extracted a lot of anesthetics, but it is not used clinically. Jing Shu doesn't know. now...

Dad Jing didn't care about the appearance or not, but once again painted the low wall around the villa with lime powder against the mud. It has been raining for so long, even if there is a dehumidifier, moisture-proof agent, dryer, etc., The villa is still a little damp, and now the villa has to turn on the boiler to heat the floor heating at night.

Wu Youai and Jinglai quickly sterilized the raincoats they took off, and then wiped them dry. Then Wu Youai said, "20% of the people in Australia have died. I heard that they were infected with this disease, and they kept going. Even if the bad meat is cut off and the virus in the body is not removed, it will rot in other places, and there is no medical condition now, grandma, don't spray it. Although it is transmitted through red nematodes, it is not just a casual infection. Yes." The

family entered the restaurant and started today's dinner. Jing Shu recently ate too much barbecue and got angry, so she made Jing milk stew fish soup, cold bitter gourd, and some light home-cooked dishes, but the main food was I still made Roujiamo, minced the fat and thin meat that had been marinated for several hours, stuffed it with marinade and stuffed it into the roasted fragrant bun, and added some chili peppers. The taste was amazing!

Jing Shu took two mouthfuls of a roujia bun, accompanied by a mouthful of fresh crucian carp tofu soup, and exhaled slowly. This was the life she wanted.

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