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Chapter 731 What a family of local tyrants

The snow on the road was too thick. Several Hulks drove the road and used their huge bodies to smooth the snowy road. The smooth snow road was very slippery. The speed of the RV was very slow, followed by more than 20 Hulks. The materials commonly used in Shu's home, such as several large refrigerators, as well as water storage tanks, transplanted crops, poultry, chickens, ducks, cattle, pigs, and even fish and seafood, etc., must be looked after from time to time. There are only a few empty one acts as a bodyguard and backup.

Fortunately, nothing can be seen from the outside, plus the special box and the Hulk double-layer sound insulation, otherwise, these things alone can make most people's jaws drop. However, there are ventilation holes, so there will be some smell in the end.

There are also a lot of unused materials, such as extra clothes, bedding, various furniture, etc. Jingshu has already let those Hulks set off early and rent a large fleet of Hulks gone together.

That's right, there are actually quite a few companies that rent the Jingshu Hulk to carry supplies.

Among them, the town house is the biggest customer. Jingshu rents half of the Hulk to the town house. It is also the strongest armed force at present. After all, it is to transport materials together with the army, although the price of the Hulk rented to the town house It is only 30%, but it is also earned. The town government is responsible for the Hulk's food and safety issues. They have advanced equipment, and they also have checkpoints, which can detect in advance, and various restricted secret weapons.

Therefore, the rest of the companies that leased the Hulk also set off with the army of the town government, including the Natural Division, Jingshu's own insect cake factory, and salt and other transportation.

Therefore, the safety of Jingshu's materials is guaranteed, and besides, walking separately, it will not be too public, otherwise so many Hulk's materials are all her personal, and she will cause a lot of stigma...

Of course, now it is quite Exaggerated, when the RV and dozens of green slime-like monsters appeared in the crowded train station, it still caused a commotion.

"Look, there are a lot of Hulks coming this time, it's too spectacular."

"My dear, is this from a family? I've only heard that the rich rented a Hulk to migrate."

"What's the matter? Our minister rented a Hulk, you can put your luggage and everything in it, and you can still go there. If you sleep inside, you have hundreds of virtual coins a day."

"The boss of the breeding department next door rented 3 animals in one go. Who is this? It's so awesome. I counted more than 20 animals."

" The key is that if you have money, you may not be able to rent it. My uncle's neighbor's son's aunt's daughter didn't rent it, so it doesn't matter."

"Damn, you're focusing on the wrong thing, right? This RV is so cool. , double-layered, the key is that there is a cannon on the Nima, so it would be too awesome to see whoever is not pleasing to the eye and shoot a cannon."

"You don't say that I haven't found it yet, there are still barbs around this RV, Who dares to approach, don't mess with it."

"Look, the RV has driven to the site of the Ministry of Agriculture. This is the Ministry of Agriculture, will it be the Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture? Otherwise, who else has the Ministry of Agriculture? This battle?"

"It's the newly appointed minister Su Lanzhi? It's very possible, I heard that she is average in ability, and she was recommended to take office because she was very related to her family. So it seems that this is more than a relationship. Why do you have a rich background and a lot of money?"

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