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"Come Back To Me"


Tw: Death, angst

Notes: Ask turned one shot

Song: "This Is Home" By Cavetown



Drip drip drip-

The steady sound of droplets hitting a hardwood floor splattered into the empty room. The air was thick with sorrow and the smell of something foul. Something unbothered and stony.

Drip drip drip-

The slow noise was coming from a green tinted arm, a lime substance dripping off of it as the limb reached out.

A hand guided itself to a bed with tightly fitted sheets. A single finger reached out to poke a fleshy feeling on the bed with desperation. The inhabitant of the pristeen bed was a pale adult. They had sunken cheeks, thin hair, and eyes open wide in what seemed like suprise.

In reality it was anything but.

Drip drip drip-

"(Y/n) from Las Nevadas? Please answer me. I don't know what I did wrong. Please talk to me." Someone whispered. The weight of their words weighed down the already heavy feeling of heart break.

Drip drip drip-

A third figure was standing in the door way to the room, leaning on the wooden frame as silent sobs racked his body.

Quackity watched as Charlie stroked the sick persons hair with a mourning look on his face. The casino owners golden wings were curled into the back of his shoulder blades as he continued to watch.

Drip drip drip-

(Y/n) had always been an ill person. Constant coughing, sneezing, and running a fever more times than not were the normal for them.

But recently it had gotten really bad.

Drip drip drip-

At first it was just a simple passing out episode, but before he knew it Quackity was staring into the lifeless (e/c) eyes of his once best friend turned bed-ridden corpse.

Their pulse was still, expression limp and empty. As if they could see everything yet nothing.

Drip drip drip-

Slime was there when it had happened. Three days ago at that.

The two men were sitting around their bed, taking turns telling the about their day.

As Quackity was describing a recent fight between two new gamblers that had stumbled drunkenly into a bar, (Y/n) stopped smiling and fell silent.

Drip drip drip-

Quackity didn't have the heart nor strength to tell his slimey friend that they were dead. Dead as the man who owned a burger van across the street. Dead as the love Quackity's heart once held for his fiances. Dead as the smile that used to rest on Charlie's face.

Drip drip drip-

Even Wilbur had felt the loss of (Y/n), a person he had only ever had the pleasure of speaking to twice.

The Lmanburg flag outside his rickety food van had been at half mast ever since the dreadful news reached the burger flipping brit. Quackity never saw the zombie man use that price of cloth for anything other than to mock the charred country (and himself) but there it was. Halfway down the pole; waving sadly in the wind. A reminder of what, and who, once was.

Quackity swore he heard crying from behind the vehicle the other day.

Drip drip drip-

Charlie was in love with a corpse and Quackity knew it. He saw how his eyes had lit up every time (Y/n) used to ruffle his gooey hair; how a light green tint would appear on his cheeks when talking about them

That's why he couldn't bring himself to tell the hybrid.

Drip drip drip-

Quackity wiped his eyes silently, moving away from the door and towards Charlie.

He rested a hand on his clothed shoulder, noticing how tired he seemed.

"They're not coming back for a while, are they Quackity from Las Nevadas?" Charlie whimpered asked with a broken voice, breaking the long overdone silence between the pair of three turned two.

Drip drip drip-

Tears accompanied stray droplets of slime tumbling down from Charlie's body now. Salty streaks stained the both of their faces like tattoos. Reminding them of what once had been.

Drip drip drip-

"No buddy. No they're not." Quackity whispered.

And all was finally still.


Whoever requested this, I hope you're happy. Because I am absolutely sobbing right now.

No more angst for a thousand years. Thats your punishment ;-; /hj

Also, sorry for the hiatus for a while. Ive been getting lots of asks on Tumblr and that's where I've been directing my attention for the past week or so. Speaking of my Tumblr, you should go follow it. I post a lot more stuff on there.

717 words


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