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"At Night"


Tw: None

Notes: KARLLLLLL <33

Song: "Say Hey (I Love You)" By Micheal Franti


Bright and bubbly laughs bounced off the sides of surrounding buildings. Scratching noises rang out into the pitch-black night, curtesy of the two teen's skateboarding in the street. Dim streetlights with cheap yellowish-orange hues were the only thing making the dingy streets visible. Not that there were any other people out at this time of night; just you two.

One of these teens just happened to you. With your one dangly earring, chains hanging from your hip, and baggy clothes, you looked to be yet another of those edgy kids you couldn't scroll three seconds through Tumblr without finding. But with the way an exuberant smile graced your lips as you glanced over at your skating partner shattered that whole image. It was a soft, yet amazed look that screamed friendship. And a strong one at that.

Just a couple feet away from you, cruising on his brightly painted board, was a boy with the fluffiest brown hair that anyone had ever seen. He had on a multicolored hoodie and tattered jeans that looked alien like next to your black-on-black combo. Yet it somehow worked. His laugh ranged more to an infectious high-pitched giggle. To call it a "laugh" would be an insult. It was more of an elixir.

The boys black-painted fingernails adorned with chunky ceramic rings made dull clacks as he used his arms to wildly balance himself on his skateboard. You would snort every time he almost fell off before clumsily regaining his balance with a yelp.

"Shut up!" He squealed at you with a voice crack after almost falling off for the fifth time. You covered your mouth with your hand and crinkled your eyes up at the corners in a silent laugh.

"Sorry Karl!" You wheezed, taking a moment to look back in front of you and turn your boards direction before looking back at your friend. "I don't mean to laugh, it just happens!"Karl rolled his eyes playfully before navigating around a conveniently placed trashcan. That only brough him closer to you, the two of you know about a foot apart.

"Whatever." He scoffed with a smile, nearly tripping over his own feet again. You just reached over a bit (all while maintaining your own balance I might add) and grabbed his shoulders to straighten him upright.

"There." You said with a toothy smile. "Try not to fall off again alright? I can't be stopping every five seconds to help your inexperienced ass up."

"Hey!" Karl shouted at your teasing words with a pout. But you were already skating faster now, initiating a silent game of chase with a loud guaff and mischievous glance behind your shoulder.

As Karl lowered his foot down to the gravel ridden ground to increase his speed, the boy couldn't help but let a goofy smile cross his chapped lips.

He couldn't have asked for a better best-friend.


Three updates in one day? I spoil you guys too much smh...

Love ya though <3

495 words


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