The Device

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Chapter 1

                It was a fine day in Gravity Falls-the sun is shining, the waters were calm and yet everyone knew that mysteries never rest, no matter what day or what season it falls under.

                It was definitely tempting to go outside with all the unknown things that they might discover. Soos was busy looking at the scenery while cleaning the windows, Stan wonders...

Stan: I might deduct your salary if you'll just be standing there.

Soos: Sorry Mr. Pines but I was just admiring the scenery. Isn't it lovely?

Stan scratched his head.

Stan: I don't know... It looks plain to me!

                Stan could only see trees and nothing else. His face showed no emotion as Soos faced him with a smile.

Soos: That's okay Mr. Pines. Life itself is mysterious. Just like the argument of which is first, the chicken or the egg?

 Stan: Don't care! Just finish your chores.

                The twins then came in...

Mabel: That also wonders me a lot. But I know the chicken comes first.

Dipper: And how can you prove that?

                His sarcastic talk to her had no effect. Mabel even smiled wider.

Mabel: Seriously? You didn't know that? Chicken is first because it started with the letter 'C', egg on the other hand started with 'G'. Alphabet is the answer!

                Mabel was definitely proud of her conclusion, making Dipper face palmed and just wished he didn't listen.

Soos: That's right. I never thought of that before! Thanks Mabel!

Mabel: No problem!

                The two laughed leaving Dipper behind. The young man decided to stroll outside for awhile, letting all his negative vibes out. As he was about to set foot on the last step, his feet tripped over from an unknown device. It was a painful morning greeting...

Dipper: Ouch! Geez what's with this stupid thing?

                He reached out to the object to find out it was something familiar to him.

Dipper: Wait this looks like... oh no.

                It was a contraption like those of Blendin Blandin. The tape-measure like object that could travel him from different times of the world: from past, present and to the future.

Dipper: How did it get here? I mean I thought we're cool now. Better bring this in the attic.

                Good thing nobody suspected what he was hiding. As he placed the object inside the little drawer, an expected thing happened...

Mabel: Hi Dipper!

                Mabel shouted so loud right beside her brother's ear. It made him almost loose his eardrums.

Dipper: Mabel! Would you please stop with the loud greeting?

Mabel: I was just checking what you are hiding.

                He started to sweat knowing that his cover has been blown.

Dipper: Hiding? What hiding? I didn't hide anything.

                More sweat trickle down his forehead.

Mabel: Dipper, Dipper, Dipper, you don't need to hide anything. As you twin, I know you are hiding something there inside the drawer.

                With his defeat, he presented the device to her. Mabel's eyes grew larger upon seeing it.

Mabel: Oh my... that's Blendin Blandin's!

Dipper: I know but I thought he had it. I mean he's not bothering us anymore right?

Mabel: Maybe we should go back to the future and return this to him.

Dipper: Ugh Mabel, remember when we went there last time?

Mabel: I know but we had a purpose right?

                Dipper was somehow astounded to realize his sister was right. He then agrees.

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