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Chapter 24

Pacifica: Ah! My goodness! This is the moment I wish this will never end.

Lady 1: Feeling relaxed Miss?

Pacifica: Yes... too relax but I like it.

Lady 1: Good miss. Because...

Suddenly a thing grips on to her hands, holding her so tightly she could not move them—she's trap!

Pacifica: Hey! What's going on here?

Lady 1: Nothing really miss.

Lady 2: Just to show you some other offers we have here!

Pacifica: Hey let me go!

Lady 1: You better... keep quiet!

All workers in the salon transformed into non-human existence. They all went berserk in the process causing the young Northwest to panic. All workers became androids... scary androids.

Pacifica: I said let me go!

Lady 2: Better quiet little one!

Pacifica: AAH!

The mean androids put Pacifica to sleep by spraying some kind of liquid. She fell asleep instantly. Upon the darkness, there was this one voice that commanded all the attendants to tie Pacifica's body on a chair. It was so familiar to hear. Especially his sarcastic laugh...

Looking back to the adult Pacifica...

Adult Pacifica: I don't know Ron but I feel uneasy this very moment.

Ron: Why mom? Are you sick?

Adult Pacifica: No. It's just... well I had a feeling something's not right.

Ron: So should we go back?

Adult Pacifica: No... we have to continue.

Ron: How about Mia? Mom I think we should go back to the car.

Pacifica could not resist her son's request. She knew it was for the best but somehow at the back of her mind, she was planning secretly to investigate by herself on the whereabouts of her little version. It's better for her children to stay away from danger.

On the other side of the forest, young Mabel and Dipper were somehow finding their way back to where they started.

Dipper: Mabel, I think we're lost.

Mabel: You were saying?

Upon looking at her—his patience grew thin seeing his sister not paying attention to their current situation. Mabel was sometimes at ease even though trouble is just around the corner.

Dipper: Mabel! You're eating lots of candies while we're stuck here in the middle of an abandoned forest looking for some dumb blonde girl!

Mabel: Well...

Chewing more of her candies...

Mabel: That 'dumb blonde girl' is your future wife Dipper!

Dipper: I still can change the future Mabel. I'll marry the perfect girl for me!

Mabel: Perfect girl? But Dipper, how can you marry a perfect girl with those noodle arms? Ha ha ha!

Dipper: Uh Mabel you're no help! Come on, we have to move and find our way back.

While taking each careful step, the bushes were somehow stirring all on its own. There was no wind no any little breeze could do it. The twins were clutching with each other fearing what might appear behind those leafy shield.

Dipper: Okay... Whoever is there you better show yourself!

It took five seconds when the rattling motion of the bushes stopped before revealing who was hiding—and thank goodness it was only Pacifica and the kids.

Adult Pacifica: Hey!

Mabel: Hey mother Pacifica!

Adult Pacifica: Hello! Good thing you left a trail of candy wrappers Mabel, it helped us find you.

Dipper looked at his sister in a plain face...

Mabel: Ha! Works every time! So you're here to rescue us?

Adult Pacifica: Uh, not really... you see we're kind of lost and I saw your trail of candy wra-

Ron: Wait mom! I think I know the way back!

Without any hesitation, they followed Ron as he searched their way back. The forest was indeed a place of misdirection.

Dipper: You know what I noticed Ron?

Ron: Yes?

Dipper: You're surely intelligent.

Ron was glad about Dipper's compliment. Intelligent wasn't really in his mind whenever he's asked to describe himself, it was always nerd and awkward—maybe he hadn't known himself that much since he was still young.

Ron: Gee, thanks dad... I mean Dipper.

Mabel: Of course he's smart! He got it from me.

Dipper: Whatever...

Finally, from a long journey, they already found the place they started. Everyone was now at ease knowing they were all safe... but still it was only for a while, with the idea the young Pacifica was not yet found.

Adult Dipper: Did you find her?

Adult Pacifica: No, but actually we found footprints of her in the mud. We can take you there.

Adult Dipper: Yeah you better be. After we take home the kids you, me and Mabel will look for her. I know you're planning an investigation on your own so...

Adult Pacifica: What? No, I mean...uh well...

Adult Dipper: See? You even got stammered.

Adult Mabel: New episode of Mabel's guide to life: Fixing an adult problem.

Mabel: New episode!?

The two Mabels squealed at the same time, jumping up and down like two best friends sharing deep secrets in a slumber party. The two Dippers as well frown in annoyance.

Ron: Nothing says 'it's good to have a friend like me'.

Driving way back home was not really that sweet knowing one was missing. Still they had their heads high hoping will be okay...

Which is quiet not really was happening...

Pacifica: Ugh, where am I?

Her head was not functioning well the moment she woke up—it seems like everything was topsy-turvy.

Unknown voice: Hello there Northwest!

Pacifica: Huh? Who's there?

Unknown voice: Well you know who I am...

As he steps out from darkness, Pacifica's eyes widened... she never thought he's still there—still there plotting something terrible.

Pacifica: You!? You will pay for this!

Unknown voice: Oh me? Maybe not this memory girl... not this memory...

As Pacifica was about to scream, he already fired his device that is similar of that to the Society of the Blind Eye, which erases memories of every person. Now, the young Northwest might be left with so many questions in mind after...

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