002 ; Platform 9 And 3/4

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we have to walk through a wall...

molly had informed you about what you had to do so there would be no hold up at the station, and it all made you very confused.

it was a bit funny, really. you slay man-eating demons for a living and are befuddled by walking through a wall. 

"it's the same every year, packed with muggles, of course" molly rambles.

"come on." she hurries.

you huff and pick at your red and green nail polish, you had stored extra in your pockets so you could fix them up on the train.

 you weren't allowed to carry your swords around since you would be walking through the muggle (non-magic people) station, and it would certainly rise a few questions, so they had to be put in the luggage. which they barely fit into.

but you threatened if they got a scratch on them, you would kill them all, but they couldn't understand you.

you also weren't allowed your golden bands, considering they would be covered by your robes anyway. but they were also stored in your bag.

but you were still wearing your shiny gem headband and had your red eye makeup on, along with some golden rings and earrings (you had four lobe piercings, each with thick gold rings).

"platform 9 3/4 this way!"

you push along your cart with a click of your tongue, you had figured out some of your brothers muscle mice were hiding in your uniform, so they were your chosen animal over a cat or an owl. they had seemed very proud of themselves when you had found them one day in the lounge room.

they flexed their muscles extra hard to the weasleys, who were a little more than shocked. they had scabbers, a family rat, but he had nowhere near the skills.. or the muscles that your mice had.

you had told them to shush, as the muggles wouldn't take lightly to talking mice.

"all right, percy. you first" she ushers. percy was the eldest of the family currently enrolled in hogwarts, he was a announced prefect, which he very proudly showed off to you once you had received your letter.

he walks forward and runs into the wall, you blink in shock.

that looks so weird...

"fred, you next" she nods her head to one of the twins.

"he's not fred, i am"

"honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?"

"oh, i'm sorry, george"

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