Chapter 3

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A few hours have passed since Amelia was on the roof but she's still as speechless and confused as she was the moment she realised that Lucía Noceda, the Lucía Noceda she hated? hates? had kissed her on the cheek. She could only think of one thing, well, person to go to, her first friend, Wionna. Despite being good friends with both of them, Amelia knew Wionna wouldn't tell anyone, she trusted them. Unlike Lucía, the Park grew up to be more quiet than they were as a child.

Amelia knocked on their door gently and was welcomed in by the lyrics to "Sex With a Ghost" which they were blasting unusually comfortably. Who was Amelia to judge, it was catchy and they had the best taste in music out of the three. She walked over to the bed to sit down near Wionna who was intrigued in their book which Amelia had gifted them when they were around 9 years old.

"Hey Winnie" Amelia greeted her friend with a nickname that they had become familiar with

Wionna smiled at this and in return said, "Hey, what's up Am?"

She groaned, planted herself backwards onto the bed and covered her face with her hands, mumbling into them.

"Y'know, I can't hear ya if you cover your mouth like that, dumbarse" they teased, playfully rolling their eyes

"No shit, Sherlock"

This caused them to laugh. Amelia didn't really hear that much despite how close their relationship was. Wionna was never upset by their reason for being in the home but the blight noticed it got to them the older they got but chose not to pry, it wasn't her place.

"Soooo, you gonna tell me what you want? If not you can water my plants or somethin'"

"What do I look like, cheap labour?" Amelia asked, pretending to be offended

" that you put it that way.." they responded, causing Amelia to reach up and flick the back of their head

"OW! I see, you came in here to attack me for no good reason. That's harsh Blight, even for you."

Amelia laughed.

"Yeah thats it- but no its- ughhh, I don't knowww"

"Ohhhh, so this is about Lucía"

The Blight raised an eyebrow to her friend, perplexed at their response.

"How did you know that?" Amelia questioned, mostly impressed they guessed correctly

"You always get like this about her, when have you ever not known what you want?"

Amelia went to speak but stopped herself.

"Exactly. Now, what did she do this time?"

The girl sighed, "Nothing really- we were talking about how she's leaving soon and I'm not really sure how I feel about it. I mean..she annoys the fuck out of me and I wanna punch her dumb face everytime I'm forced to see it but, I don't know, maybe a part of me actually will miss her"

The topic of Lucía's goodbye to the Foster home clearly upseted the Park. They layed back with Amelia then they both stared up at the ceiling as if they were star gazing, though that would be useless outside too because of how polluted this shitty state is.

"Of course you're gonna miss her, she's family, no matter how much of a dick she is" they stated.

"But- she's not my family. And I've seen others go and it's never effected me like this?" Amelia was getting frustrated at her own emotions now. She hadn't been this emotional since that night, it was overwhelming. She also questioned herself when she refused that Lucía was her family, she didn't know why but thinking of Lucía as family didn't feel right, not the same as it did with the Park.

"Maybe not family, but you've known her long enough that you care about her, as much as you hate to admit it"

This caused Amelia to stop and think. Did she care for Lucía? Well, Lucía would always be there when she was upset to try cheer her up about her family, she was open to the girl mostly. She also helped her clean any injuries she would get from getting into fights at school before going home so she wouldn't get in trouble, cover for her if she snuck out, payed for things she couldn't afford and a lot more things.

Amelia saw it now, she didn't appreciate Lucía enough, well, not knowingly, despite her flaws she honestly grew up to be a really attractive person, that awful red beanie finally fit her head, her fashion choice was..questionable, but it was her. Her lanky, weak frame developed into a toned one, probably off all the 'work' she does but she never tells anyone what it is. Plus, it all goes to us, she doesn't have to be that generous to anyone nevermind someone like Amelia. She really was great..

"Yeah..I do" She admitted just loud enough for her friend to hear.

She decided to keep the kiss to herself, the last thing she wanted was anyone 'shipping' her with Lucía or Wionna confused about the same things she was when they still haven't processed that Lucía has to go soon.

There was complete silence for a few minutes until, "Well,"

This caught the Blight's attention enough that she turned her head to face Wionna,

"Dont you think you should tell her before it's too late?"

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