Chapter 3

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As we step off the train, I have to flinch away from the multi-colored hands that are reaching out to touch me. Everyone in the Capitol just MUST get their hands on a tribute; even if that tribute is from the worst District of all, District 12. I do my best to smile and be likable as Haymitch said, but it gets more and more difficult to smile when these people are trying to touch me.

"Careful Darling," Haymitch walks beside me. "Your contempt is showing." He walks past me, and I widen my smile for these people who want to see me dead.

Sky has ahold of my hand and is tucked as close as he can be while we walk through the crowd. He gives a small, shy smile and waves timidly. "Good job, Sky." I tell him. He gives me a genuine smile before turning back to the crowd.

We finally enter the training center and Haymitch is waiting for us. "Good job. You mostly hid how much you hate them." He says to me.

"Well, no time for chit-chat!" Velora walks up, almost bouncing in her heels. "Sky, you will go with your styling team. No time to lose!" She yanks Sky away from me and he is herded through a door by three very strange looking people. Well, probably not that strange for the Capitol.

"This is your team, Raven. They will take you to your styling room!" She squeals as a woman with purple skin and white hair grabs my hand and begins to pull me away.

"Oh, we have so much to do! You are simply filthy!" As the purple woman talks, I look behind me at Haymitch. He is grinning at me and winks. This, oddly, doesn't fill me with rage. In fact, its rather calming. This is normal. As normal as things get in the Capitol, anyway.


After having been scrubbed and lathered and waxed, I am pink and smooth. My team assures me that the pinkness will go away. Apparently, my skin isn't used to being abused.

The process went by slowly. I didn't really pay much attention to anything. The team of three were always chittering and gossiping about anyone and everything. I mostly just lifted a body part when they said to.

"I don't think we've ever had a tribute so easy to work with. You haven't fought a thing!" The purple haired woman exclaims.

"Why would I? You are making me beautiful." I tell them, repeating Velora's words from earlier.

"Oh, if you think this is beautiful, just wait until Clio gets ahold of you!" Another one of them says. This one has bright green hair that stands on end all over his head.

"Clio?" I ask them.

"Your stylist, silly!" He speaks. "The woman will make you into a star!"

I zone out again as they start talking about people who were definitely not stars.

They finally leave and I am in a robe. My skin tingles and they have cut my hair. It covers my shoulders and ends at the bottom of my shoulder blades now. I'd like it shorter. I sit on the metal chair provided and wait. I trace the seam on the robe and enjoy the silky feeling.

Finally, the door opens, and a woman dressed in a light Capitol fashion enters. While the shapes she wears scream Capitol, she is dressed in all black. Her hair, clothes, shoes and make-up are all black.

"Hello, Raven. My name is Clio." She steps in and begins to circle me. She pulls me to my feet and smiles. "You're on the taller side. Good. I like that."

"I have always been taller than the others my age." I tell her. She only nods.

She pulls my robe off and I am now standing in front of this strange lady completely nude. She circles me a couple of times, before sitting in one of the chairs. "You can dress again." She smiles.

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