Chapter 5

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Treyvon has locked himself in his room ever since the news. I haven't brought myself to look at the things on the flash drive.

"What if he's a traitor?" I ask myself.

I could not handle him being a traitor. I feel tears rush down my face, and at first I'm surprised.

I haven't cried in years, not since Derrick went away and was gone for months. He was thought to be dead. The agency was going to kick me out and send me back to the adoption agency.

Three days later, Derrick and his partner showed up covered in blood and dirt. They rang the doorbell, and by the time I could get to it, they were passed out on the front porch.

I remember having to carry them in the house, called the agency, and told them to kiss my ass because I'm not going anywhere.

I smile at the thought. Now I just want to fire off a gun aimlessly just to blow off steam.

Derrick was my world, and now it's crumbling. A knock at my door brought me out of my painful memories.

"Come in." I respond, after fixing my face.

Andre walks in through the door and sits on my bed beside me.


"I don't want you to come in here and 'baby' me." I demand.

"When have I ever treated you like a child? If anything, I treat you like more of an adult. It just torturers me to see you like this." He answers.

He pulls me into a hug. I listen to his steady heartbeat.

"I know this is hard, but you need to look at the files."

"What if..."

"Baby you have to know." He answers.

"How's Trey?" I ask.

"Still locked away."

"I'm going to go talk to him." I offer standing from the bed.

Andre grabs my wrist and stands. "We need to talk after that okay?"

"Okay." I answer, escaping his grip.

I leave my cart and walk through the others, until I finally get to Trey's cart.

I knock on the door, trying not to look down at the blackness we ride on.

"Who is it?" Trey demands.

"It's Jasmine."

He opens the door, and I quickly notice his eyes are bloodshot and he's slouching.

"Oh God, I mean, can I come in?"

He nods, and opens the door, moves, and steps aside.

He plops on the bed, and I go to him.

"Trey, I know this is hard and I understand."

"No you don't."

"Then tell me so I can understand!"

"Why?" He demands, "Why should I ever trust you again?"

"Because now I'm going to keep you safe." I tell him, touching his shoulder.

He sits up, and looks at me as if I'm foreign. He wraps his arms around me, and hugs me. "I'll wait for you. I know you and Andre seem close, so I'll wait."

"But you were never interested in me. You and Melena were the power couple, I was something that caught your interest only for a second."

He looks at me dumbfounded. "Jasmine, I wanted you. I was only with her, because you were so quiet. I didn't think you wanted me, but I always wanted you."

I don't have a response and he brings me closer, but doesn't take his eyes away from mine. Soon, he's close enough to smell his breath and our nose brush lightly against each other.

"Trey, I don't think we need this right now."

He smile cockily. "It's okay Jasmine. I'll wait, because you are mine and you always will be."

A knock on the door like me out of my trance, and I head to the door. It's Andre, of course, and he comes in. He and Trey throw each other a couple of nasty looks, and intense silence comes after.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We're here." He announces, "The train has stopped."

"There are clothes for you both to change into in your closet. Andre, there are two suitcases in your room. Fill one with weapons, and the other with clothes." I instructed.

"What about me?" Trey asks, "I've shot a gun before."

"We've been trained with guns." Andre chuckles.

"Andre, pack some for Trey too. He'll need to fight as well." I remind.

Andre groans.

"Okay, lets get ready." I advise, walking out of the room.

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