Daycare Fun

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I ran into the daycare lobby. Vanessa finally said it was my turn to take care of the daycare attended. I sat on the slide, I scooted forward just a little bit and slid down. I met the end of the fun really fast but what made it more fun was the ball pit. I stood up to walk through the ball pit balls, but I was picked up like I was a toy. I was facing a sun animatronic.

"New friend why up so late?" It asked in a confused tone.

"Hi I'm Y/n. I am actually a work here," I laughed.

"I am Sunrise, the daycare attended." It seemed nice. Though I wonder where Moondrop is?

"Well I will be here the the entire night, sooo wanna play a game?"

"Oh I know what exactly to play! Hide'n seek!"

"It's been years since I played soooo let's play!" I got I little high pitched at the end.

Sun started counting from 10. There where several places to hide here, as I was looking around I landed on the idea of hiding in the ball pit. I ran to the ball pit and quickly but quietly climb inside. I could hear Sunrise finish counting ".....5.....4.....3....2....1 here I come."

In all reality I was short for being 19. I was on my back against floor as I was trying to stay hidden. It was completely silent no noise no sound of Sunrise. But then the light turned off! I hated the dark!

"WHY WON'T THE LIGHTS TURN BACK ON! LIGHTS ON! LIGHTS ON!" Sunrise was yelling about the lights not turning on. Then there was a second voice "Where is that kid! They are supposed to be in bed!"

'That's probably moon who is only meant for nap time I bet! If he thinks I'm a kid then that's make it even hard to move around.'

I sat up slowly trying to make less noise then I could if I sat up quickly. I slowly moved onto my hands and knees. I started crawling around trying to stay out of sight and not heard. When I got onto a platform, I was instantly struck by fear. I was only afraid of the dark when I was 5-8, but this it was a hole different level of fear. This sent chills going up and down my spin. I was so overwhelmed that I was curls up in a ball crying.

I must had been crying so hard that I didn't realize that moon had picked me up and moved me to the nap time area. I slowly stopped crying and when I did is when I realized my surroundings changed. Looked around for a few minutes and my eyes ended fixated on two red dots that were just staring at me. I didn't freak out like any normal person would do (I think) I just softened my eyes at him

"Why aren't you asleep or scared?" Moon asked. His eyes did look at me anymore, and they showed confusion.

"I'm not scared of you and my life is me not sleeping in tell dawn." I laughed gently at the end. He was concerned for my health. How cute.

"Then why were you crying?" His eyes gave off an angry vibe as he started at me. He was now crouch in front of me.

"I was crying because I don't like being in dark spaces alone." I explained. He didn't understand, so I explained that my parents neglected me, emotionally abused me, and malnourished me by locking me in a closet turning off the lights and barricaded the door. While I explained this moon caressed my hair.

"Aren't parents supposed to be loving and caring. You will always be safe here in this daycare. Because I will always protect you." He pulled me into a hug, he still caressed my hair. This made me happy to know there are going to be other people out there to protect me.

Suddenly the lights flickered on and I was now staring at a brightly-colored Sunrise.

"Oh my God. Are you okay did he hurt you? Did he try hurting you?" Sun was panicking looking over my body looking for marks or scratches.

"No, Sun. Moon didn't hurt me, he actually was sweet and nice." Sunrise seemed shocked to hear this. Pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back returning the same tightness. I self-consciously started humming a random song. I started humming to my brother when ever my parents started yelling at him and each other he would hug me with the same force as Sunrise was now.

Flash back

I had music blasting into my ears trying to drowned out my world again. Mom constantly yelled at me for this but what can hurt just listening to music on my way home from school. I constantly did this so if I where to het hit by a car I wouldn't be able to hear it. But that never happend. I was walking down the street to where I lived but then I had the urge to go full valume to which I give into. The moment I stepped in, I caught a pen that almost hit my right breast. It was a normal day in my house. I walked over and into my room. I grabbed my Sketchbook and I already had the pen kicked off my shoes and sat on my bed. I sat there drawing in tell something in me told me to stop drawing, drop the book and put my arms out for a hug, to which I did. Then my brother  came running into my arms. I held him in my arms while he cried his little heart out. I just started humming just some random lullaby but I remember. He had such a tight grip on me as if he was going to be torn away from my arms. Me humming always worked calming him down. So anytime my parents would fight I would always ready for my little bro.

End of flashback

"Sunrise it's time for me to go." I gently called out to him.

"Okay just be careful okay." He let go of me and walked me to the exit. He gave me a short hug before he went back to his tower.

Did ya'll think I gave up. I did too don't worry. Sorry this chapter I lost a lot of inspiration for this chapter so please give me ideas for the next chapter I should do.

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