District Seven Male - Keith Hartwood - RebellionAuthor

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Name: Keith Hartwood
Age: 17
District: 7
Gender: Male
Appearance: With his short, "windswept" brown hair, his alluring blue eyes, his olive skin, and his tall stature of 6'2", he has charmed everyone he sees.
Personality: Being very enthusiastic and kind-hearted, he always wants to help others the best he can. But in times of danger, he is very cold-hearted. Also having faced many dangers in District 7, he fears nothing and is willing to face challenges in his path. He is determined in everything he does and won't let anything stop him.
Best Memory/ Worst Memory: Best- Kissing Alice Kirkwood while on break from chopping trees.
Worst- Being chased by a hooded figure in the woods.
Reaction: Shocked and angered.
Weapon of Choice: Axes or Throwing axes
Token: A bronze olive tree, given to him by his mother when he was 14.

Writer Games: AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now