Special Awawds

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The Slytherin Award:
This award goes to a group of tributes who were willing to do anything to get ahead in the Games, and we mean anything! They worked hard on their entries, they made an alliance with each other, they even killed their allies at basically every turn. Congratulations to Remus Artine, Marin Calypso, Solar Dedisco, Violiss Ophele, and Jolene Arusha-Cain!

The Gryffindor Award:
This award goes to a few tributes who fearlessly went through each task in the Games, surprising the Gamemakers each time with their hard work. Each of these tributes were a huge surprise throughout the Games, whether it was for their growth as a writer, their astounding, and hitherto unknown, skill, or their ability to survive task after task. Congratulations to Collin Mesanada, Dandy Delphan, and Cassidy Shepherd!

The Hufflepuff Award:
This award goes to a tribute who displayed incredible sportsmanship throughout the Games - to the point where it actually became a bit of an inside joke. Constantly thanking people for voting for them, and even refusing to vote for themselves in Semifinals so that the results would be fair, this tribute was a good sportsman through and through. Congratulations to Nobody/Somebody Westing! A close runner up is Remus Artine, who dropped out specifically so that another talented competitor could go on!

The Ravenclaw Award:
This award goes to a pair of tributes who have plenty of experience in the Games, you might say a fair amount of wisdom about how these Games run. These tributes died earlier on than we had hoped, but both deserve some recognition for their incredible talent. Congratulations to Remus Artine and Marin Calypso!

The Prefect Award:
This award goes to a few tributes who always, or almost always, got their entries in long before the deadline was due, helping the Gamemakers tally deaths and put up entries more than ten minutes before the deadline! A huge thank you to Collin Mesanda, Dandy Delphan, Violiss Ophele and Cassidy Shepherd.

The Dementor Award:
This award goes to a tribute who caused the Gamemakers a huge amount of anxiety by how late she constantly turned in. Every task we would get worried she forgot the deadline, and one time she actually did! I don't want to congratulate you for this, but the award goes to Jolene Arusha-Cain.

The Albus Dumbledore Award:
This award goes to the tribute with the best name. This name not only managed to capture a bit of the essence of the character, but it's very pretty, and just fun to say. Congratulations to Delaney Tourmaline, we wish you could have stuck around a little longer!

The Golden Trio Award:
This award goes to the District that fared the best in the Games. With both of its tributes making it to the Semifinals, and one becoming a Finalist, no other District even came close to District Nine. Congratulations to Violiss Ophele and Dandy Delphan!

The J.K. Rowling Award:
Our last award is for the best entry we received in these Games, not counting Finals entries. Ironically enough, this award goes to a tribute who almost died very early on in the Games, the one who cause the Gamemakers the most anxiety. Congratulations to Jolene-Arusha-Cain for her Semifinals entry!


Voting will be posted in half an hour. You still have half an hour left to vote! Please check the voting page for rules on how to vote.

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