Chapter Eighteen

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"You know..." Fern says, surprisingly not groaning, "I'm probably going to miss some of band camp... but that is one thing I will not fucking miss at all!"

We all laugh and start to get up.

Last day of band camp freshmen year.

Everyone is surprisingly silent as we walk down to the pavilion. At least Jackson is still acting tired and normal so that's a good thing.

Stacey comes up and gives us a big sad speech about being a senior or something... I pretty much tune out because seriously I haven't even brushed my teeth yet.

We go through the stretches and walk back up to get ready for breakfast. "It really sucks that we still have to go back out to the field!" I say as we grab our food and sit down."

"Yeah what's our schedule like for today?" Catie asks.

"We have rehearsal like normal." I start pulling out my schedule. "Then we come back for lunch, and instead of BOB we're supposed to clean and pack everything. Then we have one last sectional, one last rehearsal, and a final cleanup. And then we get to go home!"

"NO BOB TIME?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Fern yells.

"It's going to be okay." Catie reassures her.

"Come on, we have to go get ready." I laugh and stand up.

"Anyone need to go to the bathroom?" I ask when we get back upstairs.

"Yeah I'll go with you." Fern shrugs standing up.

We get half way down the hallway before running into someone we don't like, it's a new record!

I brush my teeth then use the bathroom.

"Heyyy guess who's here!" I say to Fern as I wash my hands.

"Um... who?" She asks, confused.

"My dearest Aunt Pearl!" I smile.

"Okay, am I missing something?"

"I started my fucking period." I groan, ripping the paper towel harder than needed.

"Thaaaaaaaatt really freaking sucks." Fern sympathizes.

"Let's just go before we're late." I shrug.

We finish getting ready and walk back out to the picnic tables.

"Ready to go home now!" I complain.

"Wow, that's a first!" Catie says, smiling.


"Just kill me. Kill me now." I groan standing up.

"All right." Fern says as we get in our spots. "I'm feeling confident, low brass will play again."

We start marching... to drumline.

"Dammit!" Fern mutters while I try to suppress a smile.

"Alright." Mr. Smith says when we get to the field. "I'm proud of you guys, but we still have one more song to finish. If you guys want to do this song for the show tonight we really have to work hard!"

"Last set of the third song!" Stacey says when Mr. Smith is finally finished.

Catie doesn't even bother, she just walks over to her spot silently.

"Alright, second set!" Mr. Smith calls.

I look at my set card and start to mark off where I am. My heart literally stops when I see who I'm next to. Jackson.

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