What Have You Done

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    "What are we doing today?" I asked the guys as we all sat around the living room.
"Well us older guys are going bowling." Junkyu said as he nudged Yoshinori.
"And I'm sleeping." Haruto said as he didn't look up from his phone.
I looked at everyone else and they acted as if I hadn't spoken.
"Can I go bowling with you guys?" I asked looking at Junkyu.
"Oh- uh. You have to ask Hyunsuk." Junkyu said scratching his head.
"No. Stay home. Watch your weird tv shows or something." Hyunsuk before he stood up and headed upstairs.
"You guys never let me go anywhere." I said sadly.
"Don't say that. We always let you go wherever you want." Jeongwoo said.
"Yeah. Just not with us." Jaehyuk laughed.
I don't know why but I always felt like the odd one out.
Like what's so wrong with me to the point where they don't want to be seen with me?

  "Fine. I'll just go for a drive." I said and walked out of the house slowly, hoping one of them would stop me and say they wanted to hang out.
It's so hard being surrounded by a lot of people all the time but not one of them wants to spend time with you.
I've never done anything to any of them, so I don't understand why I'm not liked.

  I drove about 20 minutes and randomly stopped at a grocery store.
I didn't even want anything out of here but a donut.
I watched a couple argue in the cereal section.
"What?!" The guy yelled and I just walked away.
Rude much.

   "I don't care! I needed to use the car! My car!" My boyfriend Seunghun yelled at me as he drove us home.
"Okay! I get that it's our car but why the fuck were you having sex in it!?" I raged and he rolled his eyes
"I didn't have sex in the car." He said calmly.
"Then why'd I find a used condom in the backseat?"
"Why the fuck are you looking through the car!?" He was now loud again.
We continued to scream at eachother for about 5 minutes until another car roughly came in contact with ours.


    I watched the car besides me as I saw the same two people arguing.
I watched their faces as much as I could, since I was driving.
I was trying to read their lips.
Poor girl.
She looks like she was about to cry.
I then sped past them and drove far ahead.
I made a U-turn and did something I was probably going to regret for the rest of my life.
I drove the car as fast as it could go and caused another car to crash into their car.

  I snuck into the house as it was now around midnight.
I checked around the house and made sure no one was in the house and that Haruto was asleep.
Once the way was clear I hurried back outside and opened my trunk.
"I'm so sorry." I said to the girl as I picked her up.
She was unconscious and she probably was gonna kill me when she wakes up.
I carried her into the house and into my walk in closet.
I placed her on the floor and she started to move.
Oh shit.

  She wasn't badly hurt, like anything broken.
At least I don't think so.
Nothing looked outta place.
She was bleeding a lot but only in her arm.
Nothing that'll kill her.
I then snuck into Yoshinori's room to steal his little first aid kit.
Don't think there's much I can do with this.
An hour had passed and I had did what I could.
I brought her a blanket and a change of my clothes.
Gosh Junghwan, what have you done?



   I woke up with a massive headache.
I tried to sit up but my body ached so badly.
"Careful." A guy said as he hurried over to me.
Am I in a closet?
"What happened?" I asked him as he fixed the wrapping on my left arm and helped me sit up.
"You were attacked yesterday. Thank god I was there to help you." He said and I gasped.
"Why would someone attack me? What the fuck did they attack me with? A fucking hammer?" I said and he laughed causing me to smile slightly.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember but, um, what's your name?" I asked lowly.
Honestly I didn't remember anything.
"I'm Junghwan." He said and I nodded.
"I'm sorry. I don't remember anything." I said as I put my head in my hands.

  "Your name?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"Well I'm your best friend Junghwan. We were supposed to hang out yesterday when I found you being attacked. Your name is... Violet." He said and I nodded.
"Oh my gosh, I probably would've been dead if it weren't for you." I said and he nodded.
"You may not remember but I live with my friends. But they're gonna let you stay here since you can't go home. Your attacker could come back." He said and I gasped again.
"Come on. I'll reintroduce you to them. Don't worry. They'll act like it's the first time they've ever met you."

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now