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I slowly opened my eyes and first thing I see is a sleeping Asahi.
I rolled over and got out of bed.
Once I reached the door I realized I couldn't go out there.
At least not alone.
I stood there frozen with my hand on the knob.
How will the 4 that want me in the basement react?
I looked at the ground and there was a small index card lying there.
I picked it up and flipped it over.

'Good morning. I hope this is Eriel reading. Come to my room when you wake up


Should I let Asahi know?
No, Eriel stop being scary and go!
I quietly opened the door and tiptoed to Junkyu's room.
His door was cracked so I didn't know.
Instead I just pushed the door open slowly.
"How you feeling?" Junkyu asked once he saw me.
I remained silent.
He came up to me and closed the door behind me, also locking it.
"Did you sleep well? If you don't like sharing with Asahi, you're always welcome here-"
"Why didn't you vote for me to go home?" I asked and the room fell silent.

"Because Eriel. If you went home right now it would be so hectic-"
"It's hectic with me here right now, Junkyu. Don't lie to me." I said and he sighed.
"I don't know."
"You don't know why you want me here?"
"No! I don't. I'm sorry." And with that I unlocked the door and walked out.
Maybe I'm overreacting.
It's better than being in the basement.
"Eriel wait!" Junkyu called and came out behind me.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said before turning around and walking back in his room.
"Hey, Eriel." Mashiho said as he walked out of his room.
"Hi." I said dryly.
"I was one of the 4 who voted for you to go home." He smiled and I nodded because I already knew that.
"Why are you outside Junkyu's room?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"We were just talking." I said before I walked away looking at the ground.
I sat in a room that looked like a second living room.
I looked around and just sighed.
No, they aren't hurting me or anything but still.

  Now that I know the truth I want to leave.
"Why are you in here?" Jaehyuk asked as he walked in.
"Get out." He said before I could answer.
"Why are you being an asshole?" I said as I stood up.
"Because! You ruined our lives!" He yelled and I scoffed.
"You think I asked to be kidnapped?! That's basically what I am!" I yelled and he charged at me.
I watched him as he moved quickly towards me.
I didn't think he was actually going to hit me, but he did.

  He punched me right in the face causing me to fall backwards.
I started crying as he continued to hit me.
"Help m-" Jaehyuk covered my mouth and pulled me closer to his face.
"Why couldn't you just stay in the basement? You're driving all of us crazy." He said looking straight into my eyes.
"Stop crying!" He demanded.
I only cried harder.
"What the fuck are you doing!?"
Jaehyuk turned and we saw Junkyu and Mashiho in the doorway.
Junkyu charged at Jaehyuk and tackled him while Mashiho came over and helped me up.

   I watched as Junkyu and Jaehyuk fought.
"Guys!" Mashiho yelled loudly.
After a few moments everyone started to pile up in the room.
Junkyu and Jaehyuk were no longer fighting.
"I'll go grab you some tissue." Jeongwoo said looking at me before running out the room.
"What happened?" Asahi with an angry but confused look on his face.
"She tried to hit me for voting for her to be in the basement! So I hit her back!" Jaehyuk spoke quickly.

  "He's lying!" I cried.
Gosh it was hella embarrassing crying in front of them.
"Don't put your fucking hands on her again!" Haruto yelled at Jaehyuk.
"Eriel, you're in my room and with me from now on." Junkyu said without looking at me.
"Yea, good. Because obviously we have some stupid ass people in here that can't control themselves." Doyoung said as Jeongwoo entered the room again with tissue.
"Come on." Junky said reaching out his hand.
I walked over and grabbed it as Jeongwoo stared wiping my nose.
Welp I guess I know who not to go around.
And not to go alone.

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now