I've Moved On

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"Wait, Jeongwoo. I want to see him." I said and walked in front of Jeongwoo.
"For what?" Junkyu said and I looked at him but only for a split second.
"I just want to." I said and everyone stayed quiet.
"All of you fucking losers are going to jail!" Errionna yelled and Yoshi grabbed her.
"Eriel. You go see your fiancé but you have to return. If you don't we keep your sister." Jaehyuk said and I rolled my eyes.
"I don't care." And with that I walked out the door.

"It's really you." Seunghun said as he picked me up from a train station nearby.
"How'd you know I was here?"
"Can you please just get in?"
I got in the car and looked around.
"So. Who'd you steal this from?" I asked and he laughed loudly.
"I bought it. Since you know, our last car got destroyed."
"So this is my car?" I said and he hesitantly nodded.
"Switch me seats. You're not driving my shit." I said before getting out and walking to the other side.

"What happened to everything being ours?" He asked once we both were back in the car.
"When did you start messing around with my sister?" I asked and he just stared at me.
"Don't fucking play with me." I said and he sighed.
"She came onto me. I'm so sorry." He said and I nodded.
"Doesn't answer my question Seunghun."
"About 8 months ago." He said and I nodded slowly.

For some reason it didn't hurt.
It didn't anger me.
I didn't care.
"Can you forgive me? I was honest." He said and I looked at him and laughed.
"Sure. But- You're no longer my fiancé." I said and his eyes widened.
"You're lying. Why?! One more chance I swear." He pleaded and grabbed my hands.
I pulled them away and looked down at Junkyu's hoodie that I was wearing.
"Why? Because I've moved on." I looked into his eyes.

  "Umm? To who? You at least have to let me meet him." He said and I nodded.
"He and I aren't official. So don't say anything." I said knowing I shouldn't even bring him to their house.
But I was hoping one of the guys could beat his ass for the way he used to do me.

  "He lives here? What the fuck does he do for a living!?" Seunghun said as we got out of the car and walked up to the house.
I pushed the door open and walked in.
Errionna sat in a corner while all the guys sat around the living room.
"What the fuck." Seunghun mumbled.
"This is where you've been? Here with all these guys?" Seunghun asked in disgust.
"That's your ex?" Hyunsuk asked as he and the other guys started standing.
"I'm her fiancé."
"No youre not." I crossed my arms.
"Well, which one is he?" Seunghun asked quite loudly.

  "Why'd you bring him here?" Jeongwoo asked and my whole body went warm just hearing his voice.
"He wanted to meet you.... Guys. He wanted to meet you guys." I said and cleared my throat.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Seunghun said stepping in front of Jeongwoo.
"You can leave now." Junkyu said but Seunghun continued to glare at Jeongwoo.
"Okay. That's enough." I said as I grabbed Seunghun's arm only for him to roughly push me on the ground.
The whole entire house fell silent which only made it more embarrassing.
I was too embarrassed to look at anybody in here.
Before I knew it Seunghun's body hit the ground.
"You bitch!" Seunghun yelled before going towards Jeongwoo.
"Stop!" Errionna yelled and ran into the kitchen.
All of the guys were in one big crowd.
Some watching, some trying to stop the fight, and then some trying to stop people from stopping the fight.
One big mess.

  Errionna ran back out the kitchen and right up to Hyunsuk.
He and I made eye contact before he dropped to his knees.
I screamed so loudly before Errionna pulled the knife out of Hyunsuk and shoved it in Doyoung's arm.
Doyoung's scream got everyone's attention.
Errionna went to stab Jihoon but he grabbed her arms just in time.
"No! Let me go!" Errionna yelled but Jihoon flipped her causing her to drop the knife.

  I ran to Hyunsuk who hadn't moved from him knees.
"Guys! He needs help. Call the ambulance!" I yelled as I tried to hold his wound.
"You can't choose them over family!" Errionna yelled but I tried so hard to ignore her.
"Leave me alone! What the fuck else do you want from me!? You already took everything from me! What fucking else do you need from me!?" I exploded and turned to face her.
"I want you do the right thing." She said and I nodded.
"Screw you."

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now