You Know Me

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Of course I went to the guys alone first.
They were all in the kitchen having breakfast.
"Hey guys, so I brought my friend here last night-"
"Since when do you have a friend?" Doyoung said and I frowned.
"I met her on the game a few months ago. And we became best friends and then we actually met in person and she was being attacked. Please don't mention any of the scars on her, she'll cry. But she needs somewhere to stay until it's safe to go home." I said and they all just stared at me as if I spoke another language.
"Fine." Mashiho said and I smiled before running upstairs.

"Want me to carry you?" I asked her as she was struggling to stand in the closet.
"No it's fine. It's just my arm." She laughed slightly even though she looked like she was in pain.
We made our way into the kitchen and sat at the large rectangular table.
"Hello." She smiled and waved lightly.
"Heyyyy. What's your name?" Yedam asked smirking at her.
"I'm Violet. Wow there's so many of you." She said as she looked around uncomfortably.
"We can eat in my room if you want." I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "No, it's fine." She said and I nodded.
"Why do you wanna be friends with a loser like Junghwan?" Jihoon said and I put my head down.
"He's not a loser." She said and grabbed my left hand with her right hand.
"Well you're out of his league." Doyoung said and I looked at her.
I was gonna tell her that she doesn't have to defend me but it was too late.
"Why do you even care? Mind your business. I thought you said these were your friends?" She said and I opened my mouth to speak but someone beat me to it.

  "They're just kidding. We always play like that when gorgeous females come over. Can I have your number? Or you can come to my room-" Jaehyuk started but stopped when I stood up and left the kitchen.


     "I should go see if he's okay." I said before standing up and following Junghwan.
"Hey?" I said as he was sitting on the couch.
"Yeah?" He said casually.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I think that Jaehyuk has a crush on you." He said and I laughed.
"Who cares. I'm here for my best friend who saved my life. Not to get a boyfriend." I said and he smiled causing me to.
"Have I ever had a boyfriend?" I asked quietly as I looked down.
"Nope. Remember we made a pact that we wouldn't date until we turned 21." He said and my eyes widened.

  "21!?How old are we now?"
"2 more years to go." I sighed.
"It's fineee. We don't need relationship problems with girlfriends and boyfriends. We have each other to keep us company." He said and I nodded with a small smile.
"You like scary movies?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I'll be back. Gonna go grab us some blankets so we can watch them." He said and I nodded.
He had been upstairs for a while now and the guys started to pile up in the living room.
"Dude no, you should be Cinderella." One of them said.
"No, I wanna be Bella." The other spoke.
"Yeah?" I spoke as I turned around.
"You agree with Ariel?" The taller one asked.
"Oh- Sorry." I shook my head no.

  Gosh I'm so embarrassing.
"I think he should be Bella. He has the hair for it." I said and the guy jumped up excitedly.
I don't even know who the hell Bella is.
"Told you Haruto. Call me Jeong-Bella." The guy said and I frowned.
"Why do you wanna be called a girl name?"
"The same reason your parents named you a color." He said and I gasped.
"I don't know why my parents gave me my name." I said as Haruto came and sat by me.
"You've never asked?"
"If I have I don't remember." I said as Jeongwoo sat on the table facing us.

  "How do you forget how you got your name?" He asked as he laughed.
"Well... I forgot everything actually. Because of the attack Junghwan saved me from." I said and Jeongwoo's mouth formed an 'O' shape.
"So then how do you know that's actually your name?" Haruto asked.
"Junghwan told me. He's my best friend. Why would he lie?" I said in a duh tone.
"But-" Jeongwoo started but Haruto cut him off.
"Jeongwoo you left your fucking dirty ass shoes in my room again."
"Really? Where?" Jeongwoo said and they both stood up and left.

  What's taking Junghwan so long?


   I stood behind the stair case as I listened to Haruto and Jeongwoo questing Violet.
They walked upstairs and I quickly followed them so Violet wouldn't turn around and see me.
"There you are." Haruto said and then crossed his arms as we stood outside Mashiho's door.
"My room. Now." I said and surprisingly they listened.
"Is that really her name?" Haruto said and I nodded.
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Because Junghwan. She gets attacked and doesn't remember a fucking thing. How do I know you didn't attack her?"
"Because Haruto you know me! I told you we were gaming buddies. I was going to meet her for the first time yesterday but she was being attacked by some guy. I helped her." I said on the verge of tears.
Only reason I felt like crying was because I knew that wasn't the truth.

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now