I needed you

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"What do you mean you're sorry?! Do you not have anything else to say?" I said my voice cracking.
I was hurt.
I had raised him to be a fucking kidnapper.
A predator.
Who knows what else he's up to.
"I will explain everything later. I just need to talk to her." Junghwan said as tears kept falling down his face.
"Do you think she wants to talk to you? You attacked her and took her from her family." Doyoung said and Junghwan tugged at his hair angrily.
"I NEVER HURT HER! I WOULD NEVER!" He yelled and we all just stared at him lost for words.

Was his anger always this bad?
"Violet?" He called up the stairs.
"Her name is Eriel." Jaehyuk spoke and Junghwan glared at him.
"Here." Asahi said as he handed Junghwan his phone.
"That girl. Has been all over the news. She's missing. You kidnapped this girl and now she's been seen with 3 of us. Do you know how much trouble we're gonna be in?!" He yelled and I grabbed his shoulders.
"Let Junghwan and I talk alone." I said calmly.
"No. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to any of you." Junghwan said before storming upstairs.


Junghwan walked into the room and we just stared at eachother.
"I'm sorry." He said before he grabbed a back pack and started throwing clothes in it.
I watched him as I didn't know what to say.
"I.... I never hurt you." He said and turned to look at me.
I looked away and saw Junkyu in the doorway.
"Let's go, Eriel." He said and I walked over to him.
"What- Where'd this come from?" Junghwan asked looking at all the bags I had gotten from the mall.
"I got them for her." Junkyu spoke.
"Why am I not surprised?" Junghwan mumbled before zipping up his bag and leaving.

   Junkyu and I stood there for a few moments after we heard Junghwan go out the front door.
I then walked past him and downstairs.
"Could um, one for you take me home? Or at least to a police station." I said causing them all to look around at eachother.
"Eriel, I don't think we can do that." Jihoon said and I was confused.
"Fine. I'll just start walking." I said but Jaehyuk grabbed my arm.
"You can't do that either." He said and I snatched my arm away from him.
"I'm sorry. But Junghwan is like our brother." Hyunsuk said as he looked at the ground.
I still saw a tear run down his face.

"Follow me." Haruto said as he walked towards the kitchen.
"No. No! You guys know I'm missing and aren't gonna let me leave?!"
"If we let you go Junghwan will go to jail!" Mashiho said and I looked at the other guys.
"You can't just keep me here. That makes you as bad as him." I said before Haruto grabbed me roughly
"Stop! Let me go!" I screamed and kicked.
He dragged me into the basement and then left, locking the door behind him.
What the absolute fuck.


    I didn't have anywhere to go.
And I didn't have anyone.
Actually I do.
I have Eriel.
I walked back in the house and only Hyunsuk, Yoshinori, and Yedam were in the living room.
"Where's Eriel?"
"In the basement." Yedam said lowly.
"Doing what?"
"We're doing this to protect you." Yoshinori said and I ran to the basement door but it was locked.

  "You locked her in the basement?!"
"She's gonna try to leave Junghwan. If she leaves we could all go to jail." Yedam said and I shook my head.
"That's not her fault! Unlock the door." I said but they just walked away.
"We can let you talk to her, but you can't let her out."



I sat on the floor in the corner and watched as Junghwan approached me.
"I'm so sorry."
"You're not sorry! You're not! You kept me here all this time! Lying to me about who I was! Where I came from! Everything! I just wanna go home." I cried.
"Violet I am sorry!"
"My name is ERIEL! Not fucking Violet."
"I just wanted a friend! Here everyone hates me. I cant ever do anything or have fun. I'm always alone! And then I saw you. You were sad and angry." He spoke as he looked at the ground.

"That doesn't mean take me."
"I needed you.... We were both hurting. Neither of us wanted to be alone. I thought we'd become friends and never be alone. I'm so sorry." He then started balling his eyes out.
"I'll go to jail for you. I didn't realize or think about how much pain your family could be going through." He said and I wiped my face.
"Take me home Junghwan."

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now