Im sorry

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That was literally humiliating as shit.
Who cares?
I'm not actually here for a boyfriend or for any of them to like me.
I walked back into Asahi's room, closing the door behind me.
Asahi said nothing, thank god.
I literately didn't feel like explaining anything.
"I'm gonna take a nap." Was all I said before getting under his covers.

      Once I woke up I immediately felt dehydrated.
Asahi was no longer in the room.
I got up and slowly headed downstairs.
I'm not sure if there's still tension between me and the guys.
I stopped before entering the kitchen.
"I'm so sorry." Jihoon cried.
I could hear his loud sobs and sniffles along with someone else's.
"You don't get to be sorry now. You all left me alone- Lonely for my whole life. And now- You're too late." Junghwan cried.
"I can't imagine how you felt. Now I'm losing my best friend- and I'm so sorry for treating you like this. We drove you to taking Eriel. We drove you to have depression. We're bad people." Jihoon sobbed.
"You don't get to be sad now. You only feel bad because you might lose Hyunsuk." Junghwan sounded like he was over the conversation but still sniffling.

"I'm so sorry." Was all Jihoon kept repeating.
"Junghwan?" I walked in and spoke softly.
He turned to look at me as he wiped his face.
"Jihoon." I said and Jihoon nodded and took that as his cue to leave.
"I don't hate you Junghwan. You saw me sad- in pain and you just wanted us to cope together. I didn't understand at first, but now I do. You're not crazy. You just need an actual friend. I can be that for you." I said and then remembered what happened in the shower.
"I'm sorry. It was the wrong way to do things but.... At the time I felt like I didn't have a choice. I'll get the help I need." He said causing me so smile slightly.
I slightly held my arms out to see if he wanted a hug.

Almost immediately he hugged me tightly.
"You needed me, and I needed you."
"Eriel?" Jihoon walked back in the kitchen as Junghwan and I pulled away.
No doubt he was listening.
"You can stay here as long as you need to. I don't know if you wanna return home, or find a new place. But you're always welcome here." He said and I smiled thankfully.
"Thank you Jihoon. I don't really have a place of my own. If I stay here, where should I sleep?"
"We have 2 guest rooms, they're just filled with all the cluttered mess we don't want in our own rooms." Jihoon laughed.
"I can help you clean it out." Junghwan said and I nodded.
"Thank you." I said to Jihoon before he left the kitchen.
"Do some of the guys still hate me?" I asked and Junghwan shrugged.
"No one's said anything." He said and I played with my fingers.

Jeongwoo probably hates me.


"Yahhh that's not fair!" Hyunsuk yelled at Yoshinori.
All of the guys were in the backyard playing soccer.
"Is too! I didn't cheat." Yoshinori said before sticking out his tongue.
I noticed Jeongwoo heading my way.
I was sitting in a chair closer by the house.
I acted as if I didn't see him.
He grabbed his water bottle off the table in front of me and started chugging it.
I continued to watch the guys play as if he weren't there.
Jeongwoo and I still hadn't spoke since the argument we had in his room.
"Super hot today." He said and I remained silent.
"Wanna join us?" He asked looking directly at me.
"Oh- Uh. No thanks. I'm fine with just watching."

  "Watching me?" He asked and I smirked and rolled my eyes.
"You wish." He then laughed and took a seat across from me.
"I'm sorry."
"Jeongwoo don't. It's fine. I was going through a lot of emotions at once." I said and he grabbed my hand.
"Will you let me take you out sometime?"
"Noooope." Junghwan said coming out of nowhere and grabbing my hand.
I laughed, stood up, and followed Junghwan.
I looked back at Jeongwoo and tilted my head.
"Yes." Was all I said and he smiled widely.

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now