For The Best

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   I rolled over in bed only to come face to face with Junghwan.
He was still asleep though.
I continued to stare at his face.
I only wanted to remember him.
Like why is it so hard to?
I then sat up and took the covers off of me gently.
I walked into the bathroom and decided to freshen up.
You literally can't walk around a mess in a house full of guys.

  Who knows what they'll say?
I showered and put on some of Junghwan's clothes.
Sweats and a T shirt.
I literally didn't have a toothbrush but with this many people in one house there should be plenty extra.
I think.
I walked out of his bathroom and downstairs.
The living room tv was on but nobody was here.
"The news is the girl has not yet been found. There's evidence that the young woman was in the car as she was seen leaving the grocery store with her fiancé that morning-" I listened carefully before one of the guys started talking, causing me to jump.

  "You watch the news? That's old people shit." He spoke and I shook my head.
"No, I don't. It just sounded interesting for a second." I said and shook my head with an embarrassed smile.
"What happened?" He said as he changed the channel.
"Well there's a woman missing. I think her fiancé is looking for her." I said and he hummed.
"Hey- Uh. Could you bring me those chips off the fridge?" He said and I stared at him for a few seconds before walking into the kitchen.

  There were like 6 of them in here but I just didn't make eye contact with any.
"Good morning." One spoke and I waved but continued not to look at them as I grabbed the chips and left quickly.
"Thanks! Wait where's the juice?"
"Asahi she's not your maid." Another guy said as he walked out of the kitchen.
I could tell by his voice that he's the one that said good morning.
"Well, Kim Junkyu, be a doll and grab me some juice." Asahi said as he added an exaggerated smile at the end.
"Fuck no. I'm not your maid either." Junkyu said before snatching the chips from Asahi.

  "Why's there so many of you in one house?" I asked causing them both to look at me.
"Well we definitely didn't end up here the same way as you, but. We're just best friends living in one house." Asahi said and not gonna lie he kind of hurt my feelings.
It's already embarrassing that they know that I was attacked but to bring it up is worse.
"Junghwan's your best friend?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Why do you guys treat him like that?" I asked and Asahi groaned.

  "Why do you ask so many questions? Are you dumb? You're probably a child like him." Asahi said before he snatched his chips back.
"Hey. Wanna hang out- You okay?" Junghwan asked as he approached me.
"Yea. Some of your friends are just stupid." I said causing Asahi to look at me quickly.
"I've been trying to tell them that Junkyu's the dumbest one in the house."
"Fuck off." Junkyu flicked him off.
"Yeah. We can hang out." I said as I was tired of talking to Asahi.
Hate him already.

"Great." I smiled and Junghwan held out his hand.


"Nooooo! YOU CHEATED!" I yelled at Junghwan as he stuck his tongue out at me.
"You suck at basketball." He said laughing.
"And so do you." I rolled my eyes.
These last two weeks with Junghwan have been nothing but awesome.
I don't know how he or any of the guys make money, but they have it and Junghwan gets me anything I want.
I've never left the house though, you know just in case there's more guys out trying to hurt me.
That terrifies me so much.
My wounds are nothing but scars now.

"Hey Junghwan?" I asked as I sat down the controller.
"Yea." He smiled at me.
Gosh I love his smile.
He was always so happy.
"I was wondering if we could go see my house. I just wanna remember something. Anything." I said and he thought for a few moments.
"I don't know-"
"Please? We can take a few of the guys. Maybe even all of the guys if that makes you feel safe."
"I don't need to feel safe Violet, it's just-"
He started but stopped.

  "What Junghwan? Here's been fun and all and we can come back and continue to have fun. It's just that none of you guys have done anything to help me try to remember who I was or anything." I said and he looked down sad.
"It's fine. Nevermind. Don't worry about it." I said with a sad smile.
"I just wanted you to continue to forget all of the pain you went through." He said and I nodded.
"I understand." I said and he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged back.
Maybe listening to Junghwan is for the best.

TREASURE~ I needed you- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now