Am I Really Missing?

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     "Have you thought about going home to get some clothes?" Hyunsuk asked me and I nodded.
"Yeah. But Junghwan and I don't know if it's safe." I said as I crossed my legs on the couch.
"I mean, I know you're tired of wearing Junghwan's large clothes." He laughed and I smiled slightly.
"We can have some of the guys take you to the mall. You can pick out some outfits, shoes, and I'm pretty sure we're all tired of having to wash the same bra everyday." He said and I frowned.

  "Well not everyday. But everytime we see Junghwan washing, your bra is at the top of the basket." He said and I face palmed.
"Yea. Okay when?"
"I'll ask one of the guys for you to leave right now. Put your shoes on." He said as I nodded and we both stood up and went opposite ways.
I walked into Junghwan's room and put on my black adidas.
Good thing they didn't get messed up in my attack.
I'm pretty sure Junghwan threw the clothes that I was attacked in away in the trash or something.

   Junghwan wasn't in here.
Hmm maybe he's in the basement again or something.
I hurried back downstairs and saw Doyoung, Junkyu, and Yoshinori standing by the front door.
"Are you sure 3 of you need to come?" I asked and Yoshinori shrugged.
"Hyunsuk asked Junkyu to go, but I feel like I'm a better driver, and Doyoung just needs to do some shopping." Yoshinori spoke and I just stared at him as I waited to leave.

    We had just left Forever 21 and we were about to pass up Victoria's Secret until I remembered what Hyunsuk said.
That means they've all been talking shit about my bra.
"I need to go in there."
"We know." Doyoung said and I rolled my eyes.
"Uhhh. One of them can go with you." He added on and I looked at Yoshinori and Junkyu.
"Not it." Yoshinori said and walked away.
"It's bra and underwear. Ugh they're so childish." Junkyu said before walking in before me.
I don't even know what size I wear.
"Hey, could you do me a favor?"
"What?" Junkyu asked as he held the bag that the worker handed to us as we first walked in.

"Could you check the size of my bra really quickly?" I asked as I faced my back towards him.
"You don't have a problem with asking me that- You know what? Fine." He said before he lifted up my shirt.
"38C." He said and I nodded.
"What does that mean?" He said and I laughed.
"Just look for tags that say 38C." I said as I continued to walk.
"Need me to check your underwear too?" He asked and I laughed loudly.
"No thanks, I think I can do that on my own."
"You think??" He said and I turned around and playfully hit him.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help." He said and held his hands up.
"You two finding everything okay?" A worker asked and I nodded.
"Yes, thank you."
"Is this your...?"
"Oh! No! He's just a friend." I smiled at her.
"Oh ok. Hi my name is Mindy. I was wondering if we could exchange numbers?" She spoke to Junkyu and I awkwardly walked away.
"She was kidding. She's my girlfriend." I heard Junkyu say and I quickly turned to face them.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." She said to Junkyu and I continued to walk around.
"We need to get outta here." Junkyu said approaching me and I laughed.
I ended up getting 9 bras and 9 pairs of underwear.
Junkyu also let me get body wash, perfume, lotion, and a purse.
"Finally." Doyoung said as we walked out of the store holding my bags.
"Bought the whole fucking store." Yoshinori said and I rolled my eyes.
"That would be Violet who decided to get everything. This is why girls go shopping for like 6 hours." Junkyu said and Doyoung agreed.
"Okay, well I'm sorry for not wanting to smell manly anymore." I said causing them to laughed.

"Eriel? Eriel!?" I heard a female voice yell.
"Hey! Get away from her!" She yelled and the guys and I continued to look at her.
"Okay. We need to go." Yoshinori said and we all started moving quickly but the girl followed us as she continued yelling.
"No! That's my sister and they took her!" I heard her say as we were yelling.
My heart was beating so fast right now.
We made it to the car and got in quickly.
"What the fuck just happened?" Doyoung said out of breath as he and I were in the backseat.
"Who's Eriel?" Junkyu said and I looked around as the car fell silent.

"I am."

"Wait slow down, slow down. What happened?" Hyunsuk said to Junkyu, Yoshi, and Doyoung as they were all yelling and talking to all the guys at the same time.
Junghwan still wasn't here.
"We come out of the store. Some girl starts yelling Ariel at us. And she was talking about her! She said that we took her sister. And everyone was looking at us like we're some fucking creeps or something." Junkyu explained calmly.
"It's Eriel." I said as I continued to look at the ground.
"You're Eriel?" Doyoung said confused and I nodded.

"I think- I think so." I said as I wiped a sudden tear that fell.
"You know that girl?" Haruto asked and I shook my head.
"How do you know your name is Eriel? You believed your name was Violet." Haruto said and I shrugged.
"I don't know! I don't know anything! But when I hear Eriel it just- I just feel like it's my name. Like it's me- I don't know." I said and sighed.
"Why does she think we took you? Maybe she thinks one of us is Junghwan." Yoshinori said and I shrugged.

  "The girl said she was your sister. Do you remember if you have a sister?" Haruto asked me calmly.
"What the fuck do you mean does she remember?" Jaehyuk said obviously confused.
"When Violet- Eriel- She. When she was attacked she lost her memory. Junghwans been taking care of her." Haruto explained to the others.
"So... You were just perfectly fine with living in a house with 12 strangers?" Asahi said looking confused.

  "I mean none of you hurt me. And Junghwan saved me. He said he was my best friend and that I already knew you."
"We've never seen you in our lives. Junghwan doesn't have friends. Especially girls." Jihoon said and I looked at Junkyu.
"Wait. Remember on the news you saw some missing girl?" Asahi said and Jeongwoo stood in front of Asahi and cleared his throat.
"We should just wait until Junghwan gets home." He spoke and I stood up slowly.
"You knew about this? Did Junghwan attack and kidnap-" Yedam started but Haruto shoved him.
Not really hard but hard enough for him to stop talking.
"Jeongwoo- Am.. Am I really missing?"

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