15. A Murderous Mistress?🧁

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Their plan to meet with the widow was already off to a shitty start. Casey had to take his lunch break a little later than anticipated due to the crowd that Mad Batter got, and he couldn't leave his dad and Xavier to fend for themselves.

Not only that, but he had to sneak out half a dozen cupcakes for August. He'd made sure to bake them before his dad arrived at the bakery in the morning, but it would probably show up in their inventory. Hopefully, his father just assumed they had to throw a lot out and didn't question it. Six cupcakes shouldn't raise too many suspicions.

"Are you about to head out?" Xavier came around the corner of the back room.

Casey almost dropped his container of frosted cupcakes. He'd wanted to sneak out before anyone noticed him. Trying not to let it show on his face, Casey forced a half-grin.

"Um, yeah. I was about to head out for lunch. Just wanted to take some of these cupcakes to a friend of mine."

Xavier nodded. "Cool. Have a nice lunch then. Hope your friend enjoys those cupcakes."

"Thanks." Casey slid by him, hoping his dad stayed busy with their customers. Just as he reached the door, he let out a breath of relief and pushed through the abrasive gusts of wind.

When he reached his car, he sent a quick text in their group chat with Lani and August after placing the cupcakes in the backseat. Thankfully, he'd gotten his windows repaired so heat could furnish inside. He should've been there fifteen minutes ago. Cursing, Casey pulled out of the bakery's lot and set out to their planned meeting spot.

Hopefully, she arrived late as well or took her time ordering food. Casey wondered if Lani approached her without him. Surely August would keep her safe if the woman turned out to be dangerous.

The Wallflower came into view as Casey pulled into the diner's lot. Something about the whole situation made Casey break out in a cold sweat, reconsidering everything about their insane plan. Out of all the places in town, why did she choose that diner? Casey remembered Emmett and his peculiar offer. It wasn't like he was involved with this, was he?

"Hey, Casey!" August called out, exiting his truck. He slammed the door behind him, leather boots crunching through the filthy snow on the ground. "Was wondering what took you so damn long. Lani's already inside, by the way. Tried to talk to her but she ignored me. Guess I didn't make a good impression on her. My bad."

Casey sighed. "Sorry about her. Come on, let's see where she's at. I hope she's not confronting this woman without us."

"Man, it sucks to learn about your folks cheating. My old man used to get around with other women too. Left me and my mom for another chick in California. Guess she had something better to offer than we did," August told him.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Casey replied. He wasn't sure how else to respond to that oversharing about his father.

Inside, delightful smells of food drifted all throughout the room. A jukebox in the corner played an old rock tune. Conversations drifted all around him as he scanned the room for his sister, finding her in a middle booth by herself.

Casey told the waiter that they were with Lani and made their way back to her. She'd already ordered herself a plate of pancakes and sipped on some coffee.

"Took you long enough," Lani said.

Casey slid in the booth beside his sister, lowering his voice. "Is she here?"

"Nope. I told her I'd be running a little late," Lani replied. "Had to finish up at the bakery first. Just in case she happens to drive by Mad Batter. She'll think Dad's finishing up before coming over here for their date."

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