32. Hidden in the Shadows🔪

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Dead men didn't think about their loved ones.

As August waited for someone to check up on him, he replayed all the fun moments he'd spent with Casey. Those had been some of the greatest days he'd had in a long time.

When August got sucked into the Black Viper's world, his life went to hell and he couldn't say he really enjoyed life. But things changed when he met Casey and then his adorable son. They made him want to be a better man and live his life to the fullest, not let the gang control him until he died.

The heavy door creaked open. August stiffened. He needed them to think he was dead, and when they least expected it, he'd spring up to attack. As he replayed his plan over, the footsteps on the stairs halted.

"I know you're not dead, dumbass." Jon's stentorian voice carried down to him. "Get up. Quit acting ignorant."

August groaned as he pushed himself off the floor, flinching against the bright light he flicked on. Amid the basement floor, congealing blood coated the pavement. August spotted the deceased man he'd sat with for quite some time, but he didn't recognize him.

"Another dumbass." Jon gestured to the man on the ground. "Wanted to take the money and flee. Said he wasn't cut out for the kidnapping business."

"What do you plan to do with me?" August asked, voice cracking with each word.

"Dunno yet. Might harvest your organs to sell them. You ain't an addict, so they might be worth something," he replied. "A shame we couldn't have done that with Casey."

August frowned, heart hammering in his chest. "What do you mean?"

Jon chuckled. "You don't know? Oh, right. They got you in here, you don't hear nothing out in the world."

"What the hell did you do to him?"

"Butch had a little too much fun with his cleaver." Jon snickered. "Who knew he could scream like such a little bitch? I think my favorite part was the dismemberment."

"Dis... memberment?" August swallowed painfully, feeling as though his mouth had been stuffed with cotton.

Casey couldn't be dead, could he?

The revelation shocked August to his core. His own weight wavered beneath him as he swayed, struggling to keep himself from falling to the ground in a heap of tears. He wouldn't believe a word that asshole said. Not until he knew for certain. It might be another mental breaking tactic of theirs, convincing him that someone he loves has been murdered.

"I thought he would've put up more of a fight, but I guess he just lost hope. He had nothing else to live for when he learned what happened to his son," Jon replied.

"What happened to Wyatt?" August asked before he could stop himself.

"In the process of selling him." Jon shrugged. "Gotta get money somewhere, right? We ain't been doing too good and those fucking pervs will pay a fortune for kids."

August recoiled. "You're not serious. You got involved with those fuckers? How goddamn sick are you all?"

"Desperate men do desperate shit," Jon replied. "You ought to know that by now. That's why you joined us."

"I'd never do anything like this," August spat. "Not even Veronica would've stooped this low."

"That crackhead bitch wasn't fit enough to do jackshit. And we made sure her son never gets a chance to follow in her footsteps."

"Why the hell would Wyatt ever go near this gang? He's a toddler, for fuck's sake. You dumbasses probably won't even be alive by the time he's eighteen."

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