27. Low on Miracles🧁

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Outside their hotel the following morning, Casey basked in the crisp air as he led Wyatt to the hotel's parking lot. Sunlight struggled to peek out from the gray stormy clouds. Lani trailed behind them, distracted by something on her phone.

After being cooped up inside all night, Casey wanted to get out of their hotel room for a while. Being in a new town, he assumed they were safe and left their dad back in the room to rest.

As they reached his car, Casey noticed a tall man glare at them. At first, he swore he was being paranoid. But while he buckled Wyatt in his car seat, the stranger continued sending hateful glares that could've pierced through him like daggers. The larger build and unkempt facial hair didn't ring any bells to Casey. He didn't recognize him as Black Viper member.

Casey wasted no time climbing in his car and locking the doors, ensuring they were safe inside as he reversed out of the lot. That man kept watching them, leaving an uneasy sensation in the pit of Casey's chest.

Perhaps he was just a creep. A drifter. Some rough homeless man. Yet, even as they drove away, something told Casey otherwise. He wished he'd listened to his instincts.

"Did you notice that guy loitering around?" Casey asked.

"Huh? No, why? You don't think they've found us here, do you?" Lani glanced over her shoulder.

"Nah, I don't think so. I mean, he just seemed strange. Could just have been a drifter, but I'm not sure," Casey explained. "I've got a bad feeling about him. When we get back, we need to be careful if he's still around."

"Someone bad is here?" Wyatt asked.

"You don't have to worry," Casey assured his son. "We won't let any bad guys get us. I think he was just a drifter."

"I don't know. Do you think we should inform the police? Or at least the hotel's front desk?" Lani asked. "I'll text Dad and let him know to keep an eye out."

"What if they think we're being paranoid?" Casey countered. "I'd feel bad if the guy was just homeless and the police came hounding him with questions."

"Who cares? He shouldn't be acting like such a darn creep."

"You didn't even notice him," Casey pointed out.

"So what? I trust your judgment," Lani replied. "If you think that guy was up to no good, then you need to report it."

"Yeah, alright. I will when we stop. Where do you two wanna go for breakfast?" Casey asked. "It's my treat."

"I'm good with anything." Lani shrugged, gazing back at Wyatt. "Whatchu want?"

"Not hungry."

"There has to be something you'd like. How about we stop for some sausage biscuits and gravy?" Casey encouraged him. "I know you really like that. We haven't had it in a long time."

Wyatt scrunched up his nose. "Ew, not hungry."

"You want pancakes again?" Casey asked.


"Um, how about applesauce or oatmeal? I don't mind stopping at the store," Casey offered.


"Let's just stop at McDonald's," Lani suggested.

Wyatt's face lit up. "Yeah, we go to McDonald's!"

Casey sighed, relieved that his son finally came to a conclusion on somewhere they could eat. Sometimes, he could be too picky about what he ate, and Casey really didn't need the extra hassle.

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