29. Enemy into an Ally🧁

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Police officers milled about the park like herds of sheep, snooping around every crevice of the playground and trees. An officer led Casey and Lani over to a picnic table to give their statements, providing as much information as they possibly could.

Casey's face pulsed with pain, but he refused medical treatment. There was no time to focus on such trivial bruises. He needed to get out there and search for Wyatt himself. An inkling told him that the guys who kidnapped him would probably return to New Syracuse.

"Wyatt's not here anymore," Casey snapped. "You're wasting your time searching around here."

"We're trying to get the whole story here, then we'll go from there." The detective combed a hand through his salt and pepper hair, going back over tedious questions they'd already answered. "How many of these gang members were there?"

"Jesus Christ," Casey grouched. "There were two attacking me and two who grabbed Wyatt. That's four. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

Lani gently touched his shoulder. "I just made a post on Facebook and shared it on my other social media as well for people to keep watch for Wyatt. Audrey's done the same thing. Her follower base is much larger than mine. More people should be getting eyes on it."


"Now, you need to issue a BOLO out of that vehicle I gave you the description of," Lani told the officer. "Be sure to include areas around Crittendale and New Syracuse, just in case they decide to lay low elsewhere."

"Mam, you have to understand-"

Lani raised her hand, as if to silence the older man. "Our mom worked for the New Syracuse Police Department and these guys killed her. Shot her in the head and dumped her body in our bakery's dumpster. You need to realize who you're messing with here."

The officer frowned. "Okay, we'll do what we can. I'll get someone on that BOLO."

"Thank you," Lani said.

The world around Casey faded as he tried to keep his sore eyes open. A glimpse on his phone showed him just how badly they'd injured him.

As the detective gestured for another colleague to stay with them, all Casey could replay in his mind were his little boy's pitiful screams. Casey had been so far away from him, yet so damn close. If only he'd had the strength to run faster and catch up to them. If only they'd been more careful.

"What do we do now?" Casey asked. "Is there some kind of ransom we can pay? Like they did with Mom?"

"Now, we don't let civilians pay ransom demands," the new officer said.

"I don't give a shit what you allow. I'll give them every damn penny to my name if I can get Wyatt back," Casey told him.

"Casey, they're doing what they can," Lani gently explained. "Is there anything else we can do to help with your investigation? Our dad's on his way here now since he just got my messages. Would it be okay if we searched around ourselves? I know the car. If we find it, we can inform your officers."

"It would be dangerous to let y'all do that on your own. Don't worry though, we've got officers out on the streets searching for the vehicle you gave us the description of," the officer replied.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Casey's restless leg bounced, arms trembling as he crossed them over his chest.

"Have you been looked over by a medic yet?"

"No, I don't need that. What I need is for you to find Wyatt. If not, let us leave and we'll do it ourselves." Venom lurked in his harsh tone as he glowered at the officer. Casey only cared about finding Wyatt. Not what those officers wanted them to do, sit around on their asses.

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