22. Date Night🧁

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Casey brought out a dozen vanilla cupcakes, piped in light pink and baby blue frosting. A young pregnant woman stood at the counter, smiling as he placed the box down for her to see. It reminded him of when he'd learned Veronica was pregnant with Wyatt. She'd been so certain they'd have a boy and she'd been right.

Those bittersweet memories only broke his heart now, but he'd always cherish them. Veronica stayed clean during her pregnancy. She never went anywhere near those awful drugs, although she'd admitted to him once how badly she craved them. But she put their son first. Casey thought that would last.

He expected her to relapse eventually, but not only a month after Wyatt was born. Casey couldn't imagine the hell she'd gone through to have their son. Staying up with her countless nights showed him how much it affected her, and sometimes, he wondered if just wasn't there enough for her. Maybe he should've done something different to convince her to stay with them.

Casey rang up the woman's total and she paid, seeming quite pleased with her order.

As the customer walked away, Casey sighed. He dreamed of the family they could've had together. If only Veronica never went to those Black Vipers. She could've gotten better. She might still be here with them, helping him raise Wyatt.

Veronica never wanted kids. She'd made that clear when they dated. Honestly, when Casey first learned she was pregnant, he assumed she would abort. Something changed. She told him she wanted to get better and be the mom their child needed. Casey missed that strong, determined young woman. The one he'd fallen hopelessly in love with.

Those drugs turned her into a monster. Casey didn't recognize her when she got high, but he no longer had to worry about that. Veronica could never be with them again. She could never put their son in harm's way again.

"Hey, you okay?" Xavier asked, coming around the counter.

Casey shook aside his reverie. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Dunno, you just seemed like you were spacing out," Xavier replied.

"Just thinking about Veronica." Casey drummed his fingers against the counter. "It's crazy how drugs can mess with someone that much. Everyone always talks about how terrible she is, like they've forgotten who she was before the drugs and gang."

"I get it, but she treated you like shit in the end. You didn't deserve that. Not when you stuck up for her so much. You always had faith in her staying clean and stayed by her side, even at her worst withdrawal. And how did she thank you for that?"

Casey slouched his shoulders, sighing. "You're right.

"Hey, man. I know what she meant to you. But you can't just remember the good times with her either," Xavier told him. "Shit will only hurt ya more."

"Yeah, I'm doing my best to move on. Tonight, I'm even going on a date with August."

"Oh, nice. Where are you guys going?" Xavier asked.

"Ice skating," Casey replied, grinning. "I haven't been since high school, so I hope I'm not too rusty out there and fall on my ass."

Xavier chuckled. "I'm sure you'll be fine. Just have fun."

"I will. I haven't really made much time for myself after Mom... You know..." Casey sighed. "Maybe this will be good for me. Even if things don't work out with August."

"You worried you're rushing into this?" Xavier asked. "You could tell him you wanna take things slow for now."

"Kinda, but it's also cuz of his gang ties. Like, it's weird knowing his connection with Veronica. They're not speaking anymore, which is great, but I dunno how I feel about it. I'm not sure how much she told him about me," Casey explained.

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