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Casey piped some rainbow-colored icing on his vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. After putting the finishing touches on them with some little LGBTQ pride ring-toppers, he got the tray of them into the display counter. The last of the sweets to bake for the day. Not counting any potential last minute orders that came in.

Mad Batter withstood the violence inflicted to it over a year ago, and with Emmett's help, they repaired the vandalism damage. He even made sure they got new ovens and any other products they needed to keep their business running. Casey upheld his end of the deal with Emmett, who made frequent visits to check in on them.

"Business seems to be doing well," Emmett remarked, eyeing the display counter of sweets.

Casey nodded. "Yeah, we've been doing great, actually."

"I'm glad to hear that," Emmett replied before putting his order in. "It's Charlie's birthday, so we're throwing him a party. Somehow, I got stuck with picking up the desserts."

"Ooh, sounds like fun. Wish him a happy birthday for me." Casey retrieved the sweets he desired, bagging them up.

"Will do." Emmett leaned against the counter, brow arched as he watched him total his order. "See you around, Casey. I'll be back again tomorrow night."

"Alright." As Casey watched him disappear outside the door, he got ready for the morning ahead of them.

Ever since Mad Batter reopened, they tried to bring normalcy back into their lives. Although the Voiceless Rebels had members lurk around their bakery every now and then, Casey knew it was only to protect them. The Black Vipers hadn't dared to retaliate after the fateful night they lost a handful of their own crew.

"Busy morning, ain't it?" Xavier emerged from the back room. "Your dad asked me to come up here and help out. Lani called out again."

Casey sighed. "Yeah, I know. Dunno what's going on with her. She keeps saying she's just down with the flu, but I think something else is going on."

"Oh yeah?" Xavier came up the register, arms folded across his chest. "Why do you think that?"

"Well, Dad got us together last night after closing and told me he'll be leaving the bakery to me, eventually," Casey explained.

"Oh, damn. That's great, man." Xavier patted him on the back. "But what's the problem? Is she jealous?"

"Lani's never taken interest in wanting to run Mad Batter before." Casey gazed out across the street, sighing. "But maybe she's changed her mind? I dunno. I always thought she planned to go off to college."

"You ought to talk to her about it," Xavier suggested. "I'm sure she'll come around."

Casey forced a smile. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Somehow, Casey didn't believe that. Unlike his father, Lani couldn't accept Emmett and the Voiceless Rebels' help. She saw it as them turning against their mom and letting a family-owned bakery turn into nothing but another venue for the gangs.


After work, Casey drove to their new home, centered on the edge of the Voiceless Rebel's territory. Summer's balmy sun descended beyond the horizon, shades resembling melted creamsicles in the sky. It smelled of freshly cut grass as Casey made his way up to the porch, retrieving his new key.

August and Wyatt sat in the living room, with bowls of ice cream smothered in an assortment of toppings. Before he had time to even untie his shoes, Wyatt clambered off the sofa to hug him, wrapping his sticky little fingers tightly around his waist.

"Have fun at work?" Wyatt asked.

Casey snorted. "Of course. So, what have you guys been up to?"

"We watched movies and ate ice cream and went swimming," Wyatt replied. "And Wolf Wolf got a bath."

"Sounds like you two had quite an eventful day," Casey said.

"Sure did." August stuffed a spoonful of ice cream gooped in caramel in his mouth. "Did you see Emmett today?"

"Yeah." Casey came over to the couch, taking a load off. "I think Lani might quit soon."

"Really?" August frowned. "Is it because she wants to focus on getting into college or because of Emmett?"

"Both, I think." Casey shrugged. "I've apologized profusely for what I did, but I don't think that matters to her. She wanted things to go back to how they were. But they never will. Dad said he'll be handing the bakery over to me eventually, and I don't think she was too happy. She's been calling in a lot more lately."

"Hey, I'm sure she'll come around. Just give her some time." August rubbed his back with one hand, using the other to stuff more ice cream in his mouth. "She probably hates having Emmett and his guys around."

"I hope so. We're doing our best to get things back to normal, but it won't be like how it was." Casey sighed, eyeing the bowl with curiosity. "Are those animal cookies in there?"

"Wyatt's idea." August laughed. "It's actually pretty damn good too."

"Lemme try." Casey snatched his spoon, scooping a spoonful into his mouth, cringing at the myriad of flavors dancing on his tongue. He forcibly swallowed, making a face of disgust. "That was awful, I'm sorry."

"Everyone's got different tastes." August shrugged. "Just means more for me and Wyatt. Ain't that right?"

Wyatt grinned. "Yeah, more for us!"

Although two years had passed, Wyatt's kidnapping remained vivid in Casey's mind. Sometimes, the nightmares of that day still haunted him. After the incident, Casey had gotten much more protective and vigilant when they went outside the house. Casey never took his eye off his boy. Not even for a moment.

Nothing felt better than curling up with the two of them on the couch while they ate their disgusting animal cookie ice cream. Casey would keep his family safe at all costs. Even if it meant dealing with the devil.

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