The mountain is cold (will you let me stay warm?)

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"Is he asleep?"


"...... Are we... are we going to keep this one?"

"Most definitely."

He faintly registered wind blowing through his hair.




"He's just jealous that we found him first."


"Lmao, 's Not my fault that he's adorable and you smell."



"Be nice to your brother, or I'll return the kid."

"You wouldn't fuckin' dare....."

"I can and will. He doesn't belong to us. It's either return him or kill him. And I know how attached you've gotten."

"I'm not attached. He just...."


"I think the kid broke him."

"Shut. Up."

Tommy distantly felt something begin to rumble and that gentle hand move to his head.

"You were saying?"

"I hate you."


He felt the fog on his brain lift suddenly and he blinked his eyes open sleepily. He looked around and saw he was laying on the scaled golden one somewhere completely different that he did not recognize at all.

The room was solid stone with a few tapestries hanging on the walls. Lanterns with fireflies hung about the room, giving the room a gentle glow that was easy on the eyes. There was an oak door along the wall that hid a hall that seemed to go further into the cave. The golden dragon was laying on a deep red, circular rug with a black ring lining the outside of it.

It looked soft.

Tommy looked up at the dragon and froze as he stared at the dragon's face. He hated the gentle fondness that was in its gaze.

"Hello, small one."

Tommy shrieked, making the dragon jump and push Tommy off of it slightly.

There was a fierce growl to his right. He shut up and looked, freezing at the harsher gaze from the dark red(?) dragon draped lazily over a large, comfy looking couch that was the same red as the rug but with black and gold trim accenting it. Its scales seemed leathery and its body was heavily scarred. Along its sides, where the dark red-pink met the lighter red-pink, there were tiny, black spikes creating a border between the two shades. Along the sides of the end of its tail was a long row of sharp, black spikes. Its wings were folded up neatly and golden chains and jewels hung from its neck and horns. It had two large tusks jutting out from its lower jaw and much smaller, yet just as sharp, teeth poking out as well.

"It's not my fault he screamed! I wasn't expecting it!" The golden one grumbled at the other.

The dark one growled again and looked away, shoving its face in the book it held.

"Are you done screaming?" The golden one asked, unamused, looking at Tommy again.

"You can talk?" Tommy asked. He did NOT squeak. He's not a mouse.

The golden dragon sighed and half-assed rolled its eyes. "Yes. Though I suppose you wouldn't know that. Phil and I can speak your human language, Techno over there can barely speak it because he says it is, and I quote: 'a stupid idea to even consider learning it for reasons other than interrogation.'"

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