It's never the end (Just a new beginning)

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Slowly, Tommy woke up to soft voices talking amongst themselves, and gentle crackling of a fire.

"So... let me get this straight... Ranboo used to live with you fucks before Dream took him and wiped his memory?" Tubbo's voice reached Tommy's ears. His brain wasn't fully awake, and he wanted to sleep more, but he also understood that this was important information being shared.

"Yes. We thought Dream had died before that happened so we had no idea." Phil explained.

"Wilbur, stop glaring at Eret like he stole your fish." Techno rumbled offhandedly, somewhere close to Tommy's left. There was an amused snort on his right.

"I'm not glaring at him-!"

"Then what is that stormy ass expression you're wearing?"


"If you two don't shut the fuck up I will sting the ever living shit out of the both of you." Tubbo threatened, an unnerving rattling noise accompanying his hiss.

Techno and Wilbur went dead silent.

"You are extremely terrifying for a Fae." Phil mused.

"He's extremely terrifying for a short human too." Ranboo offered.

"You aren't safe either, Ran."

"Apologies, oh short one."

"You lay a claw on Ranboo and I will end your bloodline." Techno hissed furiously.

Tubbo huffed. "I wasn't going to hurt him in his human form like this. Besides, I'm pretty sure I could kill him on accident if I tried to sting him like that."

"Techno, I know your extremely protective of Ranboo, but Tubbo would never mortally hurt him. Think of it like your sibling bond with Wilbur. You two will constantly injure each other, but never mortally wound. It's the same for them." Nikki explained.

Techno huffed, but remained silent.

"How long is he going to be out?" Ranboo asked after a small pause, and Tommy felt a small hand press into his neck.

"Not sure, kid. His body and mind do still need time to rest after that display." Phil rumbled.

"But he's been resting for a while now?"

Tommy felt a warm huff of air blow over his face, and his eyes instinctively scrunched up. Techno rumbled his surprise, shutting everyone up.

Tommy's eyes fluttered open and he saw it was dark out, and they were in a cave with a small fire going. As he slowly lifted his head, Ranboo wrapped his arms around his neck. It took Tommy a moment to realize that he was still in his dragon form and Ranboo wasn't.

He rumbled tiredly at everyone's faces of surprise.

"How in the fresh hell are you awake right now?" Fundy asked. His fur was now mostly free of the soot that was used as a disguise earlier.

"'M awake. That's how." Tommy mumbled, rolling to his stomach and sitting up slowly.

Until a weight, accompanied by angry buzzing, crashed into him, knocking him back over.

"DONT YOU EVER PASS OUT ON RAN OR I EVER FUCKING AGAIN!" Tubbo hissed, hugging Tommy fiercely as his wings buzzed rapidly behind him.

"Didn't mean to. And I don't fucking plan on it. It's not fun." Tommy mumbled, letting himself purr as Techno rested his head on top of Tommy's.

"You passed out hard. Like one second you were there, and the next you just went limp." Wilbur rumbled, sitting up from his spot by Fundy and walking over to the cuddle-pile.

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