I wont just leave (youre my family after all)

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Sure enough, Nikki and Eret landed beside them after a while of Wilbur being gone. The Fae eyed Tubbo and Ranboo but didn't comment on it.

"What happened?" Nikki asked softly, looking at the burning body with concern.

"Wilbur... he- the dragon that attacked us... I think his name was SapNap? He was saying things, like how Phil and Techno are going to join a hive mind? A-and Wilbur killed him." Tommy explained, still shaken up.

The aquatic dragon frowned, but remained silent.

Eret approached the burning body, closing his eyes. A moment later, the fire swirled into a transparent map of some sort, reflecting in his glasses. The map listed something in a language that wasn't English, and showed the elevation of the land. Right away, Tommy noticed the Abyss in the center of the map, and small rapidly changing text at the bottom.

Tubbo and Ranboo made a few noises of wonder at the magic map.

"What's it say?" Nikki asked.

"Well... it's giving me directions to the Abyss, and where Wilbur is." Eret replied bluntly.

As soon as he said Wilbur's name, a bright orange dot appeared on the map, slowly approaching the mountain. Eret said something in the dragon language, and the map disappeared.

"He's a lot quicker than we thought." He hissed.

He approached the kids and held something out to them. It looked like a shell of some sort.

Tommy took it, being shooed towards his friends right after. As soon as he was right next to them, Eret muttered something and the world started disappearing, being replaced with...

"Eret's home?" Tommy muttered. "Whag the fuck?! Did they just ditch us?! I wanted to help!"

Tubbo groaned behind him, leaning against Ranboo for support. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Fundy!!" Tommy called, hoping the fox would be here. Claws clacking on the ground alerted him that his savior was in fact here. Fundy's orange snout and gold eyes poked around the corner.

He looked extremely confused for a second before he saw the shell in Tommy's hands. "What's with the human party in Eret's house?"

"Fundy! Techno and Phil are at the Abyss," Fundy's ears flattened, "and Wilbur's trying to get there to save them! Nikki and Eret showed up to where Wilbur left us, and then Eret gave me this shell and sent us here! I want to help kill that green bastard!"

Fundy waited until he was done to begin talking. "While I understand your want to help kill Dream, you do realize he's much bigger and stronger than you, right?"

Tommy huffed and crossed his arms when he realized that Fundy was, in fact, correct about that.

"I actually need to take you guys somewhere, I just remembered. Eret told me to if you happened to stop by again."

"Oh no. I'm done being on a dragon's back!" Tubbo growled from behind Tommy. Tommy and Fundy just gave him a look.


They were flying further into the forest.

It wasn't hard to convince Tubbo to fly again when he realized both Tommy and Ranboo wanted to go. So, by default, and to make sure they don't do something stupid, he went as well.

It was dark out, so the area was hard to see.

They've been flying for a while, the air becoming colder by the second. Tommy distantly worried if Fundy was actually lying and was trying to trap them to keep them from rescuing the others.

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