Getting (totally not) legally adopted

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When they entered the village, Wilbur was... not impressed. That much was obvious. But then again, Tommy reminded him that they'd entered through the alleyways and that there's more stuff towards the center. As Tommy led the way through the alleys, a few homeless people gave them looks as they passed, who Wilbur gave death-glares back at.

Once they entered the main city, Wilbur was... still not impressed. Tommy was feeling a bit of stage fright because no, his home town wasn't the best in looks, but it's still his home. Thankfully, Wilbur didn't voice his disgust and just kept quiet, scanning the town with his eyes.

He kept his pupils round, thank god, because people would start to ask questions if a human had slitted pupils. Wilbur had also thrown a beanie on to hide his ears, so now, he was just a normal human.

"So, where are your friends, Tommy?" Wilbur asked, once he finished scanning the town center.

"Uhm. Probably at my one friend's home. I know where it is?" Tommy offered. He didn't want to drag Wilbur around everywhere if he didn't want to be here anymore.

"Lead the way. I'd like to meet them." The older said with a gentle smile.

Tommy nodded, immediately turning around to go to Tubbo's house.

They turned down a few blocks, Tommy's legs getting sore from lack of use, but he didn't complain. That would be rude. Tubbo's house was more in the alleyway than the center, so they had to go back down a few alleys.

Eventually, Tommy stopped in front of Tubbo's house door.

"So, they might tackle me because they're glad to see me alive, so don't get defensive, okay?" Tommy warned.

Wilbur nodded with another gentle smile, and stepped back a bit, giving Tommy more space to get tackled. Tommy took in a deep breath and knocked on the door.

There was shuffling on the inside and soon, the door opened to reveal a very disheveled Tubbo.

The shorter kid's eyes widened. "Tommy?"

Tommy smiled, never happier to see one of his best friends. "Hey Tubbo!"

The shorter kid immediately tackled the taller in a hug, squishing his insides. Tubbo pulled back, pulling Tommy down by the collar of his shirt, glaring at him.

"Where the fuck have you been?! Boo and I have been getting grey hairs worrying about your ass. We were genuinely about to go into the forest to look for you!" The gremlin child immediately started scolding.

"I've been... places..." Tommy said, unable to help the shit-eating grin on his face that appeared.

Apparently Tubbo didn't like that, so he pinched Tommy's ear. "You are coming inside and calming Boo. No ifs, ands, or buts."

Wilbur intervened casually, placing a hand on Tubbo's arm with a slight glare.

Wrong thing to do when dealing with an equally possessive equivalent of an Eldritch Horror.

Tubbo, bared his own human teeth and pulled Tommy behind him. "Who do you think you are?" Tubbo snarled.

"Tubbo, Tubs, he's a friend, I've been hanging with him and his brother and dad for the time I was gone." Tommy explained, terrified to see Wilbur and Tubbo throw hands.

"And what is your friend's name?" Tubbo asked, still glaring at Wilbur.

"His names Wilbur. He lives in the forest and wanted to see the village and meet you and Boob Boy." Tommy explained, internally laughing at the confused look he got from Wilbur, and the glare he got from Tubbo from saying 'Boob Boy.'

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